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university of Tabuk Journal for Humanities and Social Science

About the Journal

Tabuk University Journal of Human and Social Sciences, a scientific refereed journal issued by the University of Tabuk, concerned with publishing research and academic studies in human and social sciences in both Arabic and English.


The journal aspires to leadership and excellence in publishing distinguished scientific research in the field of human and social sciences.


Effective contribution to community service by publishing refereed scientific research in accordance with international scientific standards.


1- Creating a local and international research base to serve research and scientific publication in the field of human and social sciences.
2- Meet the needs of researchers at the local, regional and global levels in the field of human and social sciences.
3- Spreading science and knowledge in the field of human and social sciences.
Consolidation of the scientific and intellectual companies between the University of Tabuk and the local and international community institutions.

Editor-in-chief's speech

تطلع المجلة إلى الريادة والتميز في نشر البحوث العلمية المميزة في مجال العلوم الاإنسانية والاجتماعية.

Organization Structure

It consists of a group of scientifically distinguished members of the editorial board, and they are nominated by the head of the editorial board on the condition that their academic degrees are not less than an associate professor, and they are approved by the scientific council of the university. The Commission holds a periodic meeting that sets a date by the agreement of the members. The Commission also has the right to hold an emergency session at the request of the Editor-in-Chief or a request submitted by one-third of the members. The journal's editorial board consists of:
1- Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Asiri (Education and Psychology)
2- Prof. Abdullah Suleiman Al-Balawi (Curricula and Teaching Methods)
3- Prof. Muhammad Abu Zeid Abu Zeid (Islamic Studies)
4- Prof. Abdullah Saad Al-Jasser (Social Studies)
5- Prof. Obaid Abdullah Al-Omari (Social Studies)
6- Dr. Fahad Bin Moaqil Al-Ali (Business Administration)
7- Dr. Abd Al-Rahman Muhammad Al-Fahadi (English Language)
8- Dr. Abdel Rahman Tawfiq Al-Omani (Arabic Language and Literature)
Editorial Board Tasks:
Laying down the foundations and controls related to publishing rules.
Proposing and discussing financial and administrative regulations and systems.
- Looking at the research and studies presented to the journal.
- It undertakes the implementation and follow-up of arbitration procedures in accordance with the internal regulations in force in the magazine and ensures that amendments are made in preparation for publication.
Implementing the recommendations of the advisory body after its approval.
Innovation and improvement in methods of preparation and output and studying the number after issuing and giving notes.
Participate in preparing the journal's final report.
Selection of primary and reserve arbitrators after ensuring that the research conforms to the terms and conditions of publication.
Approval of the results of the research arbitration.

Editorial Board Chairman:
Prof. Mohammed bin Abdullah Asiri
Phone: 0144563737

Getting to know the Editor in Chief:
The first person responsible for the journal and what is published in it, provided that he possesses scientific and administrative experience and competence in the research field, and that his scientific degree is not less than an associate professor, and his nomination is approved by the Scientific Council and is related to the Excellency of the University's Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, and he has the authority to approve the final copy of the journal To be published in its final form.

Editor-in-chief duties:
- General supervision of the journal’s functioning and producing the scientific material for it.
- Determining the editorial board meeting in setting the executive plans for the magazine, distributing tasks among them, and proposing ideas and topics that would develop the magazine.
Final review of all the scientific article of the journal in terms of content and content, and approval before printing.
- Follow up on the regularity of issuing the journal as scheduled.
Participating in overcoming obstacles and solving problems facing the journal in all stages of its publication.
Approving the magazine’s distribution lists on institutions and individuals.
- Selecting the members of the editorial board.
Writing reports to the head of the supervisory authority about the magazine and submitting them to it periodically.
Preparing the necessary decisions and regulations to improve the journal's workflow.
- Considering the research received for the journal and referring it to the committee consisting of some members of the editorial board to examine the extent of their compliance with the terms and conditions of publishing in the journal.
- In the event of disagreement in the results of the arbitration for a research paper, the editor-in-chief has the right to invite the editorial board to a meeting to reject or accept the different papers in its arbitration.

Dr.. Abdulrahman bin Tawfiq Al-Omani (Assistant Professor of Arabic Linguistics)
Phone (0144561199)
Email (

Getting to know the managing editor:
This task is assigned to a person with scientific and administrative competence, who chooses the editor-in-chief, and is associated with him administratively.
Editorial director duties:
1- Managing the journal's editorial system.
2- Final approval of the scientific material before presentation to the editor-in-chief.
3- Follow up the journal’s workflow according to the journal’s policy and the editor’s chief’s directives.
4- Follow up the arbitration procedures.
5- Preparing the journal's periodic report at the end of each issue.
6- Define the distribution list, implement it and approve it by the editor-in-chief.
7- Carrying out the administrative work necessary for the magazine to be issued on the specified date.
8- Organizing the issuance procedures started from receiving research papers and preparing them for publication and printing the issue.
9 - Organizing financial procedures, direct coordination with the financial reference.
10- Coordination with the printing and publishing authorities and reviewing the final draft of preparing the journal before it is approved.

a. Eid bin Mubarak Al-Harbi
Phone (0144561507)
Email (

Getting to know the Editorial Secretary:
 This task is assigned to a person with scientific and administrative competence, who chooses the editor-in-chief, and is associated with him administratively.

Duties of the Editorial Secretary:
1- Preparing the minutes of the editorial board meeting and distributing them to the members.
2- Setting the timetable for preparing, editing and taking out the number.
3- Diagnose the obstacles and problems facing the production of the journal and propose solutions to them immediately.
4- Preparing and organizing the information archive.
5- Preparing letters and correspondence for the magazine requested by the members of the editorial board.
6- Following up the journal production process with the designated director in light of the editor-in-chief and managing editor's directives
7- Preparing a report on issuing and correcting the number after its issuance.
8- Coordination with various bodies regarding subscription and membership requests to obtain the magazine.

Advisory Board

The advisory board is composed of distinguished professors in their specialized fields from inside and outside the university, so that their academic degrees are not less than an associate professor, provided that its members meet periodically at the request of the president, and the term of membership is also set for two years, which can be renewed.
The advisory body is nominated by the university’s Scientific Publication Committee, with the approval of the Academic Council and the approval of His Excellency the University President. It is linked to the editor-in-chief and consists of (4-6) of those with competence and scientific and practical experience, and the advisory body for the journal consists of:
1- Prof. Musa Al-Obaidan (Arabic Language - University of Tabuk)
2- Prof. Fahd bin Sulaiman Al-Shaya (Curricula for Teaching Methods - King Saud University)
3- Prof. Saud bin Abdulaziz Al-Khalaf (The Call and Fundamentals of Religion - The Islamic University).
4- Prof. Stephen Stechell (University of Cambridge in Britain - Banking Administration Sciences)
5- Prof. John McCerry (University of Nottingham in Britain - Studies of Literature in the English Language).
The most prominent tasks of the advisory board:
- Make recommendations about the scientific materials to be published.
- Providing recommendations regarding the technical direction of the journal.
Presenting recommendations related to improving and developing the journal scientifically and administratively.


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1- The journal publishes research and academic studies in the humanities and social sciences in both Arabic and English.
2- The journal publishes research that provides originality, innovation, following the correct methodology, and scientific documentation, with integrity of thought, language and style, and the research should not be derived from a letter or book.
3- The submitted papers shall be sent to specialized referees, who are secretly selected by the editorial board, and the journal may request that amendments be made to the research according to the opinion of the referees before the publication is approved.
4- The researcher shall be notified of the acceptance of the publication or the apology for it.
5- In case the research is published, the researcher is given (5) extracts for the research, and one copy of the journal.
6- It is not permissible to re-publish the journal's research in any other publication without the written permission of the editor-in-chief.
7 - The researcher must acknowledge when submitting a paper to the journal that he has not previously published, and he is not entitled to accept his research for publication to be published in another container.
8- The researcher submits a research on the journal's electronic site under the (Publish Your Search) icon, and the submitted paper is required that the abstract be in both Arabic and English and not more than 200 words.
9- It is required to write (the researcher's full name in Arabic, English language, nationality, curriculum vitae, country of residence, degree, employer, general specialization, subspecialty, search keywords, mobile phone, landline phone, fax, postal code, mailbox. Electronic, CV) located in the (Publish your research) icon on the journal's website.
10- The name of the researcher or researchers does not appear in the body of the research, margins or a checklist, explicitly, or with any indication that reveals his identity, or their identities, and the word (researcher) or (researchers) is used instead.

1- The number of research words does not exceed (10,000 thousand words including Arabic and English abstracts and references).
2- The traditional Arabic font size (12) is used for the text of the Arabic search.
3- The font (Times New Roman) size (14), the headline size (18) bold, as well as the Arabic margin (Lotus Linotype) font size (12), and the English annotation are (Times New Roman) font size (10) .
4- There is no space between punctuation marks and words that precede them. The distance is always between punctuation marks and the words that follow them, except for double punctuation marks to limit what is between them, such as: the brackets () and the two dashes - as they are separated by a distance from what is before the enumeration with them and from the next, but it is not A distance from what is trapped between them.
5- The researcher's data (name, academic rank, specialization, educational institution: (department, college, university, correspondence address) should be written in both Arabic and English on a separate page at the beginning of the search, then follow with the search pages opened with the title of the research.
6- The reference is indicated in the text (at the end of the quotation) by mentioning the name of the last author (family), the year of publication and the page number according to the following example: (Al-Hamid, 1435 AH, pg. 51), and if there are more than two authors of the source, they are referred to according to the following example: (Al-Hamid and others, 1435 AH: p. 51). The reference numbering system is not acceptable in the text.
7- Journals are referred to in the text with the name and date system in parentheses at the line level.
8- The Qur’an verses are written according to the electronic Qur’an drawing of the King Fahd Complex to print the Noble Qur’an in size (16), in a regular color not blackened, and they follow the name of the surah and the number of the verse.
9- The abstract is preceded by keywords that express the topic of the research and the main issues it dealt with, after the researcher's data, in both Arabic and English versions, the number of which does not exceed (6) words.
10- The Arabic references are arranged alphabetically at the end of the search in an independent list, and the foreign references are in another independent list below it. The references are not numbered in the reference list final. All the references on which the research is based are written.
11- If the reference is a book, the following shall be followed in the documentation: the author's family name, the first name, both in black font, the year of publication in parentheses), the title of the book in italics, the edition, the place of publication, the publishing house.
12- If the reference is a research, the following is followed in the document of the following: the author's last name, the first name, (the year of publication in parentheses), the full title of the research between "Shulten", the name of the journal in italics, the volume number, the issue number in parentheses, and then the research pages.
13- If the reference is a thesis that has not been printed, then the following shall be followed in its documentation: the author's last name, the first name, both in black font, the title of the thesis in italic font, and the thesis degree (master / doctoral thesis in parentheses). Its location: country, department, college, university, and year).
14- If the reference is from the World Wide Web, the accuracy of the documentation should be investigated.

The researcher sends a paper through the journal's website, by clicking on "Publish Your Research", then filling out the form and following the required procedures, and it is in my (PDF - Word) format. The journal does not accept the papers required to be published via the journal's email or by paper mail.
- Sending a research paper through the journal’s electronic site is a commitment from the researcher / researchers that the research has not been published, and that it is not submitted for publication, and will not be submitted for publication in another party until the arbitration procedures in the journal are completed.
- The journal's editorial board examines the research and determines its eligibility for arbitration, or an excuse for a publication.
All research, after being approved by the editorial board, is subject to confidential scientific arbitration.
- The research is sent to two arbitrators specialized in a topic. If their opinion differs, it is sent to a third when required, so that an opinion is likely.
Researches that the arbitrators require to make amendments are returned to their owners to make the amendments, provided that the amendments from the research reach the journal within a maximum period of one week from the date of sending the amendments to the researcher, and this is done via the journal's email.
- When the research is accepted for publication, it is not permissible to publish it in any other paper or electronic publishing container without the written permission of the editor-in-chief.
- The author of the apologizing search is notified of a publication without giving reasons.

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