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​​The university paid great attention to scientific research; it is one of the most important fundamentals that advance the university and society. The establishment of the Scientific Research Unit was realized after many faculty members contributed with the various ideas that advanced research in different scientific majors. Thus, it began the supervision of supporting, funding and implementing the relevant procedures for these scientific researches. The Scientific Research Unit of the college started their assigned tasks according to the vision and message that aims to sponsor and develop scientific research with the use of the easiest and fastest procedures. The Unit has succeeded, which now contains a deanship that contributes to accomplishing many achievements.

Word of The Director

Scientific Research is regarded to be one of the most important elements of the social advancement and social development: it constitutes an influential factor for the progress and development of universities. Therefore, the need to adopt, support and sponsor these researches come at high regards. As a Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research unit set to overcome material, human and technical obstacles facing research projects to reach a level of development that competes with the present and future advancement of society. The new aim for such advancements led to a new research activity, scientific publications and establishing a research partnership with various governmental, local and international sectors. Moreover, it has created more competitive initiatives that contribute to directing research and scientific publishing in the path of resurgence and production. Therefore, the University of Tabuk and the goals they sat to achieve had prioritized their focus and attention to the scientific researches, this shows in the development and funding in the number of funded research in all applied humanitarian disciplines, whose funding is supervised by the Deanship of Scientific Research within the annual plan allocated for research funding that consist of an integrated system of scientific and administrative procedures starting with the announcement of research priorities that serve the trend towards comprehensive development in society and the region And it ends with publishing scientific papers in highly rated international journals that give the university more presence locally and globally. This publication represents the various publications that the Deanship of Scientific Research has issued annually including annual summaries of funded research and defining research priorities of interest to the university and society. The Deanship continues to work to provide the appropriate capabilities that serve scientific research and lead to a distinguished presence for the university locally and globally.

                                                                                                 Dr. Subhi Aways Ahmad 


​​Achieving Excellence in scientific research locally and globally .


​​To support innovative scientific research that contributes to the development of the local community and elevates society.


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Quality and ExcellenceLoyalty and belonging
creativity and innovationLeadership and responsibility
Integrity and respect
work as one team
Social Responsibility
Transparency and accountability


Dr. Sobhy Owes Ahmad

Unit Supervisor​ - Male Section ​

Dr.Fatima Abdualraman Abdulla

​​Unit Supervisor​ - Female Section ​