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About the unit 

Keeping pace with the rapid development in the field of biomedical research and its various applications in disease diagnosis, drug design and gene therapy, and to achieve a distinct scientific renaissance in line with the 
Kingdom's 2030 vision, the University of Tabuk, represented by the College of Science, has initiated a research unit specialized in genomics and biotechnology research. To conduct basic applied research by using the latest biotechnologies that in turn contribute to the diagnosis of genetic diseases in the Saudi society. This unit also contributes to enriching scientific research in the fields of medicine, environment, industry, molecular biology and bioinformatics through interaction between researchers from various disciplines in University of Tabuk. 

Vision and mission 


Leadership in genomics and biotechnology research and applications.

the message:

A distinguished unit in genomics and biotechnology research, applications and training at the local and international level.


Achieving integration in various scientific disciplines through establishing local and international scientific partnerships, to exchange experiences and cooperation, through joint research projects in the fields of molecular 

biology and biotechnology.

Raising the efficiency of scientific research, and employing research in addressing community issues by providing distinguished research services and establishing partnerships with government and private agencies in 

various health, environmental and agricultural fields.

The use of modern biotechnologies in identifying the relationship between genetic forms and the degree and quality of response to treatment with drugs or agents, production of specialized faxes and gene therapy. 

Activating the partnership with hospitals, starting with the hospitals in the northern region, so that there will be an important role and chief for the unit's laboratories in the genetic diagnosis of samples taken from the

 region's hospitals.

Conducting DNA tests to help diagnose diseases early, develop treatment methods, design drug and gene therapy using bioinformatics tools.

Providing training courses on basic and advanced technologies in the field of molecular biology for graduates and female graduates, to equip them with scientific research skills and prepare them for the job market.

Providing an appropriate environment that serves male and female students of graduate studies programs at the university by equipping laboratories and providing the necessary facilities for them to complete their

 research messages. 

- Research excellence locally and internationally through increasing distinguished scientific publishing in classified international journals with an impact factor.

Attracting distinguished talents at the local and international levels and seeking their help to develop the unit.

Development of a nucleus for genome research and the Saudi Human Project.

Research areas

Detecting the causes of genetic diseases spread in the northern region.

Employing biotechnology to contribute to treating hereditary diseases. 

Employing biotechnology to discover drugs to treat hereditary and cancerous diseases.

Studying the genetic and genetic causes of cancerous tumors.

Studying the genetic effects resulting from anti-cancer drugs.

- To identify the genetic mutations that cause diseases in the region.

Improving the genetic characteristics and characteristics of the organisms in the area.

- DNA coding of living organisms in Tabuk region.

Studying the genetic footprint (DNA barcode) of plants of economic importance in the region.

Laboratories belonging to the unit 

1- Genome Lab

2- Biotechnology laboratory

3- Bioinformatics Lab



Published research 


Alshehri, M. A., Al Thabiani Aziza, Alzahrani, O, Ibrahim, A. A. S., Osman, G., & Bahattab, O. (2019). DNA-barcoding and Species Identification for some Saudi Arabia Seaweeds using rbcL Gene. J Pure Appl Microbiol, 13(4), 2035-2044.



Afaq S, Malik A, Akhtar A, Alwabli AS, Alzahrani DA, Al-Solami HM, Alzahrani O, Alam Q, Kamal MA, Abulfaraj AA, Mohammed Tarique (2020) Analysis of methyltransferase (MTase) domain from Zika virus (ZIKV)  

Bioinformation  16 (3); 229-235.



Al-Amer, O., Hawasawi, Y., Oyouni, A. A. A., Alshehri, M., Alasmari, A., Alzahrani, O., & Aljohani, S. A. S. (2020). Study the association of Transmembrane Serine Protease 6 Gene Polymorphisms with Iron Deficiency Status in Saudi Arabia. Gene, 144767.


Shahbaaz, M., Al-Samghan, A. S., Malik, A., Afaq, S., Alwabli, A. S., Ahmad, I., & Alzahrani, O. (2020). Functional and Structural Analysis of Predicted Proteins Obtained from Homo sapiens’ Minisatellite 33.15-Tagged 

Transcript pAKT-45 Variants. BioMed Research International, 2020.



Awad Saeed AlsamghanAfaf S AlwabliMohammed AbadiSafar A AlsaleemDalia Mohammed AnbariAmani Saleh Alomari, Alzahrani, O, Qamre Alam,  Mohammed Tarique. (2020). From sequence analysis of

 DPP-4 to molecular docking based searching of its inhibitors. Bioinformation, 16(6), 444.



Mustafa, S. K., Ahmad, M. A., Sotnik, S., Zeleniy, O., Lyashenko, V., & Alzahrani, O. (2020). Brief review of the mathematical models for analyzing and forecasting transmission of COVID-19.



Alshehri, M. A., Alzahrani, O., Aziza, A. T., Alasmari, A., Ibrahim, S., Bahattab, O., ... & Alduaydi, S. A. (2020). Correlation and genetic analysis of different characteristics in Saudi wheat reveals traits correlation network and 

several trait-associated markers. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 30(6), 1486-1497



Molecular characterization of some Algae by protein banding pattern and ISSR markers collected from Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia. (2020). Mohammed Ali Alshehri, Al Thabiani Aziz, Alzahrani, O, Gamal Osman and Abdulrahman Alasmari. Pak. J. Bot., 53 (2)



Atif Abdulwahab A. Oyouni, Syed Khalid Mustafa, Othman Alzahrani, Osama Al-Amer, Adel Radhi Al-Harbi and Shalini Saggu. (2020) End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Incidence Rates in Saudi Arabia: Current Scenario in Tabuk region. Bioscience Research, 17 (3): 2269-2278.



Alsharif, K. F., Almalki, A. A., Al?Amer, O., Mufti, A. H., Theyab, A., Lokman, M. S., ... & Abdel Moneim, A. E. (2020). Oleuropein protects against lipopolysaccharide?induced sepsis and alleviates inflammatory responses in mice.

 IUBMB life, 72(10), 2121-2132.


Afaq S, Malik A, Akhtar MS, Alwabli AS, Alzahrani DA, Al-Solami HM, Alzahrani O, Alam Q, Kamal MA, Abulfaraj AA, Mohammed Tarique (2020) Analysis of predicted proteasomal cleavages in the methyltransferase domain from JEV. Bioinformation, 16(3), 223-228.



Albalawi, Aishah, et al. "Carnosic acid attenuates acrylamide-induced retinal toxicity in zebrafish embryos." Experimental eye research 175 (2018): 103-114.



ALESSA, A. H. A., TEE, K. L., GONZALEZ-PEREZ, D., ALI, H. E. M. O., EVANS, C. A., TREVASKIS, A., XU, J. H. & WONG, T. S. 2019. Accelerated directed evolution of dye-decolorizing peroxidase using a bacterial extracellular protein 

secretion system (BENNY). Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 6.



Gomez-Escobar, N., Almobadel, N., Alzahrani, O., Feichtinger, J., Planells-Palop, V., Alshehri, Z., ... & McFarlane, R. J. (2016). Translin and Trax differentially regulate telomere-associated transcript homeostasis. 

Oncotarget, 7(23), 33809.​

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