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Faculty of Business Administration \ Management


Profile Completeness Ratio
Nationality Bangladeshi
General Specialty Business Administration
Exact Specialty Management
Job Title Assistant Professor 339-52
Academic Degree

Brief Summary

Dr Alam is a highly accomplished academic, researcher, trainer, and data analyst with extensive experience in Outcome Based Education (OBE) He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Tabuk in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he brings his expertise in research methodology and data analysis to his teaching and research activities Prior to this, he served as a research director at the Institute of Research & Skills Development (IORSD) With 11 years of experience as a lecturer at Najran University, Saudi Arabia, and Sylhet International University, Bangladesh, Dr Alam has a wealth of experience in teaching He also has a strong background in industry, having started his career as an HR, Admin & Compliance manager in various MNC and domestic RMGs and textile industries Dr Alam holds a PhD in HRM from the University Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia, an MBA in HRM from Magadh University, India, and a bachelors degree from the prestigious Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India He is an expert in research methodology and data analysis and has conducted numerous training programs at various universities and corporate houses in Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh He has also conducted webinars on a variety of topics related to research, including Step-by-Step Thesis Writing, A to Z Research Solutions, Research Methodology, SEM using AMOS, Smart-PLS, and SPSS Dr Alam is an accomplished researcher with publications in reputable journals such as WoS, ABDC, Scopus, and international conference proceedings, including those from Oxford University, UK, and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore He has provided consultancy and data analysis services for more than 250 research projects using Smart-PLS, AMOS, and SPSS His research interests include employee productivity, social compliance, gen-Y retention, green university initiative, green HRM, leadership, and soft HRM Beyond his professional pursuits, Dr Alam has additional interests in world history, Islamic history, comparative religion, upcoming events of the world, and Islamic eschatology


o Post-doctoral Degree in Human Resource Management, Awarded in 2024 From University of Selangor, Malaysia o MBA in Human Resource Management, Awarded in 2001 Result: First Class, LN Mishra Institute of Economic Development & Social Change, India o Bachelor in Science, Awarded in 1999 Result – Second Class, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India

Research Interests

Experience And Administrative Positions

o Lecturer (International Faculty), From October 2008 to June 2018 Dept of Administrative Sciences, Najran University, Najran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia o Lecturer, From November 2007 to September 2008, Department of Business Administration, Sylhet International University, Bangladesh o Manager (Admin & Compliance), From December 2006 to October 2007, Rio Fashion Limited, Mirpur, Dhaka, o Manager (HR & Compliance), From August 2005 to June 2006, Department of Human Resource & Compliance, Apex Holdings Limited, Chandora, Gazipur, Dhaka o Sr Executive (HR & Compliance), From August 2004 to July 2005, Department of Personnel & Compliance, Azim Group, Kalurghat, Chittagong o Sr Executive (HR & Compliance), From February 2002 to July 2004, Department of HR & Compliance, Khalid Group, Targach, Tongi, Gazipur, Dhaka , “The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Performance at Private Companies in Oman: Moderating Role of Organizational Politics Review of International Geographical Education, 11(12), SPRING, 2021, Scopus-Q3

Courses Schedule
Research And Literature
  • 1 Zheng Kundan, Md Sazzad Hossain, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Mohammad Nurul Alam and M Omar Parvez (2024) Traveling with ChatGPT and providing translation services for travellers Tourism Review, WoS-Q1, Scopus-Q1, ABDC-B
  • 2 Aljehani, S B, Abdo, K W, Nurul Alam, M, & Aloufi, E M (2024) Big Data Analytics and Organizational Performance: Mediating Roles of Green Innovation and Knowledge Management in Telecommunications Sustainability, 16(18), 7887 WoS/SSCI (IF:36)
  • 3 Patwary, A K, Alam, M M D, Zainol, N A, Ashraf, M U, Alam, M N, Hayat, N, & khreis, S H A (2024) Unveiling the dynamics of revisit intention and word-of-mouth: an attribution theory approach to Halal-friendly hotel attributes and service encounter evaluation Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights WoS/SSCI (IF:715)
  • 4 Iqbal, J, Alam, M N, & Khan, H (2024) Does the conflict between work and family hinder thriving? Role of depersonalization and intrinsic motivation International Journal of Conflict Management, SSCI/WoS (IF:31)
  • Performance Impact of Online Learning: Pre and During Covid-19 Perspectives from Sri Lankan Government Universities In 2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS) (pp 1-11) IEEE (IF:34)
  • Pathways toward environmental performance: Link between green human resource management, green innovation, and green behavior at work in manufacturing companies Journal of Cleaner Production, WoS/SCIE (IF: 111), SCOPUS-Q1
  • Connecting green HRM practices to pro-environmental behavior through green human capital in the hospitality sector Business Strategy and Development, John Wiley, Scopus-Q1 and WoS/SSCI (IF: 37)
  • Understanding Consumer Environmental Ethics and the Willingness to Use Green Products, SAGE Open, (ISI/SSCI, IF: 227, Scapus-Q2)
  • Mediation of Technology Adaptation Capabilities between the Relationship of Service Quality and Satisfaction: An investigation on Young Customers towards E-Commerce in China, IEEE Access, (WoS/SCIE-Q1, IF: 39), https://doiorg/101109/ACCESS20233328775
  • Deconstructed entrepreneurial orientation and export performance: mediating role of differentiation and cost leadership strategy from the developing country context, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald Publisher, WoS/SSCI(IF: 270), Scopus-Q2 https://doiorg/101108/IJOEM-08-2021-1209
  • Does Workplace Spirituality Foster Employee Ambidexterity? Evidence from IT Employees, Sustainability, (SSCI, IF: 39) https://doiorg/103390/ su151411190
  • Moderating role of information system and mobile technology with learning and forgetting factors on organizational learning effectiveness, Learning and Motivation, 2021, Volume 76, November 2021, (ISI/SSCI, IF: 182, Scapus-Q2) https://doiorg/101016/jlmot2021101757
  • Social Compliance Factors Affecting Employee Productivity: An Empirical Study on RMG Industry in Bangladesh Published in Pacific Business Review International, Volume 10, Issue 8, February 2018 (Thomson Reuters, ESCI)
  • The Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical-psychological Health, Physical Activity, and Overall well-being: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, Volume 12, (ISI/SSCI, IF: 299, Scapus-Q2), https://doiorg/103389/fpsyg2021667461
  • Social Compliance in Ready-Made Garment Industry in Bangladesh: Challenges for HR Personnel J Appl Environ Biol Sci, 7(10)1-1, 2017, (Thomson Reuters, ESCI)
  • Green product as a means of expressing green behaviour: A cross-cultural empirical evidence from Malaysia and Nigeria, Published in Environmental Technology & Innovation, Scopus-Q1, Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), JCR - 2019, Impact Factor = 3356, according to Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by Clarivate Analytics, 2020), Publisher: Elsevier https://doiorg/101016/jeti2020101055
  • Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Export Performance in a Developing Country: Evidence of Qualitative Study", published in RAUSP Management Journal, Emarald Group Publishing Ltd, 2531-0488, ISI (ESCI), Scopus-Q3 DOI 101108/RAUSP-01-2021-0002
  • Analyzing Issues and Challenges among Malaysian and Nigerian Consumers on Environmentally Supportive Behaviour Science International (Lahore), 32(1), 87-92, 2020 ISSN 1013-5316 CODEN: SINTE 8, (Thomson Reuters, ESCI)
  • The role of awareness in appraising the success of E-government systems Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2186739 WoS/ISI-Q3 (IF: 2436), Scopus-Q2
  • Paradoxes on sustainable performance in Dhaka’s enterprising community: a moderated-mediation evidence from textile manufacturing SMEs Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy DOI 101108/JEC-08-2022-0119, WoS/ISI (ESCI), Scopus-Q2
  • Understanding the Antecedents of Use of E-Commerce and Consumers’ E-Loyalty in Saudi Arabia Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Sustainability, 14(22), 14894 ISI/WoS-Q1, Scopus-Q1
  • Linking entrepreneurial orientation with export performance: Mediation effects of multiple differentiation strategies Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing [DOI 101108/JBIM-07-2021-0326] ISI/WoS-Q2 (IF:3879), Scopus-Q1
  • Impact of innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness on export performance in a developing country: evidence of qualitative study RAUSP Management Journal, 57, 165-181 Emarald, WoS (ESCI), Scopus-Q2
  • Green innovation behaviour: Impact of industry 40 and open innovation Heliyon https://doiorg/101016/jheliyon2023e16524, WoS/ISI (IF:3776), Scopus-Q1
  • Paradoxes on Sustainable Performance in Dhaka’s Enterprising Community: A moderated-mediation Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Emerald, WoS (ESCI)
  • Is Workplace Bullying Responsible for Low Job Performance? A Twofold SEM-ANN Approach Journal of Management World, Scopus-Q4, https://managementworldonline/indexphp/mw/article/view/624
  • Factors influencing student migration to Bangladesh: Mediating effect of host country support and moderating effect of geographical location and gender Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Elsevier, Scopus-Q1 https://doiorg/101016/jssaho2024101272
  • Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy on Customers Appetite to Buy Environmental Friendly Products before and After COVID-19 Journal of Ecohumanism, Volume: 3, No: 7, pp 471 – 491, SCOPUS-Q3
  • Does workplace fun reduce job stress? Role of work engagement and job autonomy in the hospitality industry Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14673584241286139 SCOPUS-Q1
  • Impact of Organizational Learning on Organizational Sustainable Development, Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 22(1): 1159-1177, Scopus-Q4
  • The effect of organisational green culture and organisational environmental ethics on green employee behaviour: the role of green innovative performance and green communication and feedback among employees of garment industry in Bangladesh International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, 8(1), 44-70 Scopus-Q4
  • Top Management Green Commitment and Pro-environmental Behavior: Mediating Role of Environmental Knowledge Application and Moderating Role of Green Mindfulness Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 17(4), 729-761 Scopus-Q2
  • Factors influencing intention for reusing virtual reality (VR) at theme parks: the mediating role of visitors satisfaction Cogent Social Sciences, VOL 10, NO 1, 2298898, Scopus-Q2 and WoS (ESCI), https://doiorg/101080/2331188620232298898
  • Influence of attitudes, enabling conditions and mediating effect of motivation on residents’ participation in the wetlands community of Sarawak, Malaysia THE MALAYSIAN FORESTER 2024, 87 (1): 137 – 160, SCOPUS-Q3
  • Top Management Green Commitment and Pro-environmental Behavior: Mediating Role of Environmental Knowledge Application and Moderating Role of Green Mindfulness Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 2023, Vol 17(4), 729-761, SCOPUS-Q2
  • When and How Green Human Resource Management Practices Turn to Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behavior of Hotel Employees in Nigeria: The Role of Employee Green Commitment and Green Self-Efficacy Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, Taylor & Francis, SCOPUS-Q2, https://doiorg/101080/1528008X20232249233
  • Do social media influence altruistic and egoistic motivation and green purchase intention towards green products? An experimental investigation Cleaner Engineering and Technology https://doiorg/101016/jclet2023100669, SCOPUS-Q1
  • Identifying the missing link between training and development and organizational performance: A mediated moderation approach," Asian Economic and Financial Review, SCOPUS (Q3) https://doiorg/1055493/5002v13i114879
  • Necessities of Employee Productivity in Garment Industries: Challenges and effects of Harassment, Abuse and Discrimination" International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 34(2), 205-230, Inderscience and Scopus-Q2 https://wwwinderscienceonlinecom/doi/pdf/101504/IJPQM2021118428
  • Impact of Social Compliance on Employee Work Motivation: An Empirical Study, Published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol 28, No 11 (2019), pp 42-50, Indexed in Elsevier and Scopus-Q3
  • “Environmental factors affecting green purchase behaviors of the consumers: Mediating role of environmental attitude Cleaner Environmental Systems, SCOPUS-Q1, https://doiorg/101016/jcesys2023100130
  • Do We Care about Going Green? Measuring the Effect of Green Environmental Awareness, Green Product Value and Environmental Attitude on Green Culture An Insight from Nigeria Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2020, vol 24, no 1, pp 254–274, https://doiorg/102478/rtuect-2020-0015, (Scopus - Q1)
  • “Servant Leadership of the Retention of Millennial Employees in Private Sectors: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction, International Journal of Business Excellence, Inderscience, Scopus-Q2,DOI: 101504/IJBEX201910028928, https://wwwindersciencecom/info/ingeneral/forthcomingphp?jcode=ijbex
  • “Soft HRM and Work Environment for Elevating Job Satisfaction of Employees: Redefining the Validated Model of Private Sectors for Generation Y International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Elsevier, Scopus-Q2, DOI:101504/IJPMB202010033522
  • The impacts of characteristics of hometown connectedness between auditors and executives on audit quality: evidence from china, ACCOUNTING & FINANCE REVIEW, https://doiorg/1046281/ijafrv14i21072
  • Influence of Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Apathetic Motivation on Local Community Intentions to Participate in Ecotourism Development at Kuching Wetlands National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia Malaysian Forester 2021, 84 (2): 215 – 232, Scopus-Q3
  • “Redesigning the Retention Strategy Against the Emerging Turnover of Generation Y: Revisiting the Long-standing Problems from 20th to 21st century, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2019, Scopus-Q3
  • “Formulating and Redesigning Retention Policies for Millennial at Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh, Published in International Journal of Business and Globalization, Inderscience, Scopus-Q3 https://wwwindersciencecom/info/ingeneral/forthcomingphp?jcode=ijbg
  • “Examining the Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Loyalty towards Hypermarket Retailing: A Case Study of Malaysia, International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Issue 4, April, 2020, Scopus-Q4, DOI: 1037200/IJPR/V24I4/PR2020737
  • “Impact of Empowerment, Flexibility and Trust on Women’s Access to Senior Positions in RMG Industry of Bangladesh International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2018, Scopus-Q4
  • “Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices and Employees’ Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership Webology, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2022, Scopus-Q3
  • Necessities of employee productivity in garment industries: challenges and effects of harassment, abuse and discrimination International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 34(2), 205-230 Scopus-Q3
  • The Impact of Auditor Integrity to Audit Quality: an Exploratory Studies from the Middle East International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(1), e01254-e01254, Scopus-Q4
  • Does Servant Leadership Influence Vigor, Dedication and Absorption of Generation-Z Employees? Role Emotional Stability and Artificial Intelligence Adoption (AIA) International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, ABDC category B Scopus-Q4 https://wwwresearchgatenet/publication/387752250
  • “The Effects of Wages and Welfare Facilities on Employee Productivity: Mediating Role of Employee Work Motivation Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 14(4), 38-60 University of Wollongong, (ABDC) in B category, SCOPUS-Q2, ESCI, and CABSs (the Chartered Association of Business Schools), doi:1014453/aabfjv14i44
  • “Human Resource Management in Health Care Industries for Generation Y: Challenges of 21st Century" Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 16(1), 2022, 21-40doi:1014453/aabfjv16i13
  • “Diving into the ocean: revealing travellers’ intention to participate in underwater tourism, TOURISM RECREATION RESEARCH, WoS-Q1, Scopus-Q1, ABDC-A, https://doiorg/101080/0250828120242437715
  • “Green Training and Development Revolutionizing Organizational Performance: The Moderating Role of Green Employee Involvement in the Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Industry" International Business Research, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, ERA, https://doiorg/105539/ibrv16n9p36
  • “Performance Impact of Online Learning: Pre and During Covid-19 Perspectives from Sri Lankan Government Universities 2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS), IEEE Conference at Chennai, India, 2023, pp 1-11, doi: 101109/ICCEBS58601202310449248
  • “Necessities of Combating Dissatisfactions at Workplaces for The Retention of Job-Hopping Generation Y Employees The Business & Management Review, 10(3), 369-378, Oxford University, UK
  • “Role of Soft-HRM and Green HRM Practices in between Job from Home and Job Performance during the C-19 Lockdown Crisis: Moderating Role of Servant Leadership and Employee Value Proposition India
  • “Transforming Research Institute into Innovative and Profitable Company – Identify the Enablers by Using Ordinal Logistic Regression Model 2nd International Conference on Innovative & Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICIAMR 2019) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Excellence Awards
Research Projects
Project Name Project Description
1 Project Title: Green University Initiative (GUI) Management in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0067) 1 Project Title: Green University Initiative (GUI) Management in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0067)
2 Examining the Dimensions of Green Finance and its Impact on Sustainable (Performance of Financial Institutions in Saudi Arabia for Competitive Advantage (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0066) 2 Examining the Dimensions of Green Finance and its Impact on Sustainable (Performance of Financial Institutions in Saudi Arabia for Competitive Advantage (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0066)
3 Work-family Conflict and Affective Commitment: Interplay of Emotional exhaustion and Interactionist Justice among Hospital Nurses in KSA (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0068) 3 Work-family Conflict and Affective Commitment: Interplay of Emotional exhaustion and Interactionist Justice among Hospital Nurses in KSA (Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at University of Tabuk for funding this work through Research # S-1444-0068)
Contact Info
Email : rnnurulalam@UT.EDU.SA