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Participation of the University College in Umluj and Wajh with the Red Sea Company in implementing the beach cleaning initiative

​Based on the directions of His Excellency the President of the University and the follow-up of the Vice Rector for the Branches and in order to achieve the university’s mission in community service, the students of the University College in Al Wajh and Umluj and a number of its employees and under the supervision of the deans and the two faculties' agents participated in the implementation of the “Beach Cleaning” initiative adopted by the Red Sea Development Company on Friday 25 / 3/1441 AH in Al-Wajh Governorate, and on Saturday 3/26/1441 AH in Umluj Governorate. The university’s participation stems from its role in community service and the development of environmental awareness among students, as its participation had a significant impact on the success of the event.​​​​