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College Template

 Content Editor

Among its tasks:

  1. List the numbers and specializations of the teaching assistants and the lecturers expected to be dispatched this year and early next year.
  2. List the numbers and specializations of the scholarship students, whose scholarships are expected to end this year and at the beginning of the next year.
  3. Follow-up of the academic cases of scholarship students.
  4. Limiting the scientific publication of the faculty departments for the current year.
  5. Preparing an integrated plan to direct scientific research and development research in the areas of the college's specializations in coordination with the scientific departments.
  6. Follow-up conferences, competitions and scientific events in the areas of the college's specializations and mention them to faculty members to benefit from them
  7. Completing and following up all the procedures of the faculty members from the college departments wishing to attend scientific conferences.
  8. Preparing to hold forums in the scientific specialties of the college.