الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الإحصاء

ساره محمد أحمد الشيخ

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية السودانية
التخصص العام الإحصاء
التخصص الدقيق إحصاء تطبيقي
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

المؤهل دكتوراة

المؤهلات العلمية

2015-PHD-Biostatistics- Sudan-Gezira university -MSC -Applied Statistics-in Statistic ,Population , Development and Reproductive Health- Gezira University-Sudan- 2005 Bachelor Degree in Applied Statistics and Demography -Gezira University-Sudan,2000

الاهتمامات البحثية

Cancer Research-Biostatistics- Applied Statistics

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

Assistant professor- kingdom of Saudi Arabia -Tabuk university 2016- to present Statistician -Saudi Arabia-King Abdelaziz Medical City-National Guard-Riyadh-2012-2015 Statistician researcher -Gezira University –NCI-2000-2012 Member of quality and development agency, Faculty of science, female section (17/09/2018 to present) Coordinator of Laboratories / Department of statistics / Faculty of Science / Females Section/ University of Tabuk 1442-1444H Member of Saudi Association for Statistical Sciences

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد Statistic inference1-STAT335 08:00 09:30
الأحد Statistic inference1-STAT335 09:30 11:00
الأحد Stochastic process-STAT320 10:00 12:00
الأحد OFFICE HOURS 11:00 14:00
الأحد Time series analysis-STAT0472 11:34 12:00
الأحد Time series analysis-STAT0472 12:00 14:00
الأحد Statistical package-STAT402 15:00 16:30
الإثنين Time series analysis-STAT0472-Practical 08:00 10:00
الإثنين Time series analysis-Practical 08:00 10:00
الإثنين Stochastic process-STAT320 08:55 09:30
الإثنين Demography -STAT0373 09:30 11:00
الإثنين Time series analysis-STAT0472 12:00 15:00
الإثنين -Scientific Research Method-STAT402 12:00 14:00
الإثنين Demography -STAT0373 12:30 14:00
الإثنين Time series analysis-STAT0472 14:00 15:00
الثلاثاء Probability theory-STAT311 08:00 10:00
الثلاثاء Statistic inference1-STAT335 08:00 09:30
الثلاثاء Probability theory-STAT311 08:00 10:00
الثلاثاء Statistic inference1-STAT335 09:30 11:00
الثلاثاء Statistic inference1-STAT335 10:00 12:00
الثلاثاء Statistic inference1-STAT335 10:00 12:00
الثلاثاء Stochastic process-STAT320 10:00 12:00
الثلاثاء OFFICE HOURS 11:00 14:00
الثلاثاء Time series analysis-STAT0472-Practical 12:00 16:00
الثلاثاء Time series analysis-STAT472 12:00 14:00
الثلاثاء Time series analysis-STAT472 12:00 14:00
الثلاثاء Statistical package-STAT402 15:00 17:00
الثلاثاء Research project -STAT491 18:00 20:00
الأربعاء Stochastic process-STAT320 08:00 10:00
الأربعاء Time series analysis-STAT0472 08:00 10:01
الأربعاء Demography-STAT373 09:30 11:00
الأربعاء Biostatistic-STAT262 12:00 14:00
الأربعاء Time series analysis-STAT0472 12:00 15:00
الأربعاء Scientific Research Method-STAT402 12:00 14:00
الأربعاء Demography -STAT0373 12:30 14:00
الأربعاء Time series analysis-STAT0472 14:00 16:00
الخميس Probability theory-STAT311 08:00 10:00
الخميس Time series analysis-STAT0472-Practical 08:00 10:00
الخميس Stochastic process-STAT320 09:00 10:00
الخميس Statistic inference1-STAT335 10:00 12:00
الخميس Time series analysis-STAT472 11:00 12:00
الخميس Research project -STAT491 18:00 20:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  •  MSc in Population - Development and Reproductive Health Desertasion Title -Incidence and risk factors of breast cancer among Sudanese female attending Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Biology and Oncology (INMO),wad Medani,SUDAN, 2003-2005
  •  PHD in Biostatistic-Desertasion Title- The impact of pathological and demographic features in overall survival of female breast cancer attending National Cancer Institute- (NCI) from 2004-2008 follow to 2013
  • Crude Incidence of Childhood Cancer in Children Admitted to the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Biology and Oncology (INMO) Wad Medani, Gezira State from 1999 -2004 Journal of family and Community medicine Volume 3 No (2) December 2007 Huda M Haroun, Amel AE Ali, Sara Mohamed Ahmed Elsheikh
  •  Participated with poster Abstract Risk factor of breast cancer among Sudanese female , Gezira State from(1999 -2003) at 8th Middle east Best of CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Hayat Hotel, Jeddah Saudi Arabia on 11th --12th January 2014
  • Amel AE Ali, MD Sara MA Alsheikh, MSc, Elhaj A Nada Osman, MD Abuidris D, Eltayeb E, Maha Mahgoub MD, Hamdoun AA, Mohamed M Babiker, Mohamadani A A PHD, Elwali NE PHD, Ibrahim Qaddoumi, Clinical Presentation and Outcome of Retinoblastoma Among Children Treated At The National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Gezira-Sudan Ophthalmic Genetics, 1–4, Early Online, 2011, Copyright © 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, IncISSN: 1381-6810 print/ 1744-5094 online-DOI: 103109/138168102010546822 (2011)
  • Mohammed EA1* and Ahmed SM2, Investigation of Breast Cancer Risk Factors in northern states of Sudan using Logistic Regression Analysis, © Sudan JMS Vol 8, No4 Dec 2013
جوائز التميز
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اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
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معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : salshekh@ut.edu.sa