الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الرياضيات

محمد النعيم أحمد الناير

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية السودانية
التخصص العام الرياضيات
التخصص الدقيق جبر مجرد
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Mohamed Elneam Ahmed Elnair Assistant Professor of Mathematics Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk Sudan-University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Assistant Professor

المؤهلات العلمية

PhD of Mathematics- Sudan University of Technology, Faculty of Sciences, 2015 MSc of Mathematics- Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer University of Gezira, 2012 BSc of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Education, Omdurman Islamic University , 2005

الاهتمامات البحثية

Abstract Algebra Graph Theory Polynomials

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

أستاذ مساعد جبر تجريدي رئيس لجنة الخطط والبرامج قسم الرياضيات

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد ساعات مكتبية 12:00 14:00
الأحد اسس الرياضيات MATH251 14:00 15:30
الإثنين حساب التفاضل والتكامل متعدد المتغيرات MATH1255 11:00 12:30
الإثنين ساعات مكتبية 13:00 14:00
الثلاثاء ساعات مكتبية 12:00 14:00
الثلاثاء اسس الرياضيات MATH251 14:00 15:30
الأربعاء حساب التفاضل والتكامل متعدد المتغيرات MATH1255 11:00 12:30
الأربعاء اسس الرياضيات MATH251 13:00 14:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • 3 Energetic sets and (ϵ, ϵᴠq)-permeable values in BCK/BCI-algebras Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Jointly with G Muhiuddin, A Mahboob & K P Shum)-2019
  • 4 Inf-hesitant fuzzy subalgebras and ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Jointly with G Muhiuddin, A Mahboob & K P Shum)-2020
  • 5 Some operations of anti-intuitionistic L-fuzzy soft B-ideals of BG-algebras Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (G Muhiuddin and M Balamurugan)- October 2020
  • 6 Reinforcement Number of a Graph with respect to Half-Domination Hindawi Journal of Mathematics (G Muhiuddin , 1 N Sridharan,2 D Al-Kadi,3 S Amutha , 4 and M E Elnair1,5)- 14 April 2021
  • Reinforcement Number of a Graph with respect to Half-Domination, G Muhiuddin , N Sridharan, D Al-Kadi, S Amutha , and M E Elnair, Hindawi Journal of Mathematics, 14 April 2021
  • A New Study based on Fuzzy Bi-Γ-ideals in Ordered-Γ-semigroups, G Muhiuddin , A Mahboob and Mohamed E A Elnair, Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering 2022, Vol 1(1) 1–5
  • Approximation Technique for Solving Linear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations with Boundary Conditions, Mohamed E A Alnair and Ahmed A Khidir, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2022
  • Bipolar Fuzzy Set Theory Applied to the Certain Ideals in BCI-Algebras, N Abughazalah , G Muhiuddin , Mohamed E A Elnair and A Mahboob, Symmetry, 2022, 14, 815
  • N -Structures Applied to Commutative Ideals of BCI-Algebras, Ghulam Muhiuddin , Mohamed E Elnair and Deena Al-Kadi, Symmetry, 26 September 2022
  • FURTHER RESULTS ON INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY B-ALGEBRAS, Mohamed E Elnair, Science International (Lahore), 35(1),7-12,2023
  • HYBRID NORM PRODUCT AND RELATION STRUCTURES IN HEMIRINGS, V Keerthika, G Muhiuddin, M E Elnair, B Elavarasan, Problemy-Issues of Analysis, Vol 12 (30), No 2, 2023, pp 37–50
  • A Novel Study Based on Fuzzy p-Ideals of BCI-Algebras, G Muhiuddin , Nabilah Abughazalah , A Mahboob, M E Elnair and Abdullah G Alotaibi, Hindawi Journal of Function Spaces, 1 July 2023
  • Entropy optimization and response surface methodology of blood hybrid nanofluid flow through composite stenosis artery with magnetized nanoparticles (Au-Ta) for drug delivery application, Ebrahem A Algehyne, NAmeer Ahammad, Mohamed E Elnair, Mohamed Zidan, YasirYAlhusayni, B O El-Bashir, Anwar Saeed, Ali Saleh Alshomrani & Faris Alzahrani, Scientifc Reports
  • Biological synthesis of novel carbon quantum dots using Halimeda opuntia green algae with improved optical properties and electrochemical performance for possible energy storage application, SA Al-Ghamdia , AAA Darwisha,b , Taymour A Hamdallaa,c , Apsar Pashad , Mohamed E Elnair , Ahmed Al-Atawia, Syed Khasima, International Journal of Electrochemical Science
  • Enhancing Heat Transfer in Blood Hybrid Nanofluid Flow with Nanoparticles and Electrical Field in a Tilted Cylindrical W-Shape Stenosis Artery: A Finite Difference Approach, Ebrahem A Algehyne N Ameer Ahammad Mohamed E Elnair Mohamed Zidan Yasir Y Alhusayni Babikir Osman El-Bashir Anwar Saeed Ali Saleh Alshomrani Faris Alzahran, Symmetry
  • More Results on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals of BE-algebras, Mohamed E Elnair EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol 17, No 1, 2024
جوائز التميز
  • لايوجد
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
Biological synthesis of novel carbon quantum dots using Halimeda opuntia green algae with improved optical properties and electrochemical performance for possible energy storage applications Carbon quantum dots, known to be nanomaterials with zero dimension have recently emerged as excellent materials for versatile technological applications in optoelectronics, energy storage and conversions They possess simple and low-cost synthesis methods with outstanding optical properties, low toxicity, high biocompatibility with favourable charge transfer and electronic conductivity Recently, much attention has been paid towards the eco-friendly synthesis of carbon dots from sources such as biomass as the precursors which provides solution to global challenges of waste management Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have attracted greater attention as energy storage materials because of their unique electrical properties and ability to host various functional groups on the electrode surface Recently CQDs have been utilized as electrode materials towards enhancing the energy density of supercapacitors Herein we report the biological synthesis of CQDs using biomass such as green algae of Halimeda opuntia The obtained CQDs were characterized by High Resolution Transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform-Infra Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy, UV-Vis Spectroscopy The fluorescence properties were analysed through emission spectra The electrochemical performance of CQDs as a supercapacitor were studied using modified Glassy Carbon Electrode (GCE) The CQDs synthesized from Halimeda opuntia green algae exhibits a specific capacitance of 311 F g−1 Due to excellent optical properties and electrochemical performances, these CQDs synthesized using Halimeda opuntia could potentially be used in energy storage and conversion applications
Enhancing Heat Transfer in Blood Hybrid Nanofluid Flow with 𝑨𝒈– 𝑻𝒊𝑶𝟐 Nanoparticles and Electrical Field in a Tilted Cylindrical W-Shape Stenosis Artery: A Finite Difference Approach The present research examines the unsteady sensitivity analysis and entropy generation of blood-based silver–titanium dioxide flow in a tilted cylindrical W-shape symmetric stenosis artery The study considers various factors such as the electric field, joule heating, viscous dissipation, and heat source, while taking into account a two-dimensional pulsatile blood flow and periodic body acceleration The finite difference method is employed to solve the governing equations due to the highly nonlinear nature of the flow equations, which requires a robust numerical technique The utilization of the response surface methodology is commonly observed in optimization procedures Drawing inspiration from drug delivery techniques used in cardiovascular therapies, it has been proposed to infuse blood with a uniform distribution of biocompatible nanoparticles The figures depict the effects of significant parameters on the flow field, such as the electric field, Hartmann number, nanoparticle volume fraction, body acceleration amplitude, Reynolds number, Grashof number, and thermal radiation, on velocity, temperature (nondimensional), entropy generation, flow rate, resistance to flow, wall shear stress, and Nusselt number The velocity and temperature profiles improve with higher values of the wall slip parameter The flow rate profiles increase with an increment in wall velocity but decrease with the Womersley number Increasing the intensity of radiation and decreasing magnetic fields both result in a decrease in the rate of heat transfer The blood temperature is higher with the inclusion of hybrid nanoparticles than the unitary nanoparticles The total entropy generation profiles increase for higher values of the Brickman number and temperature difference parameters Unitary nanoparticles exhibit a slightly higher total entropy generation than hybrid nanoparticles, particularly when positioned slightly away from the center of the artery The total entropy production decreases by 1797% when the thermal radiation is increased from absence to 3 In contrast, increasing the amplitude of body acceleration from 05 to 2 results in a significant enhancement of 7614% in the total entropy production
Entropy optimization and response surface methodology of blood hybrid nanofuid fow through composite stenosis artery with magnetized nanoparticles (Au‑Ta) for drug delivery application Entropy creation by a blood-hybrid nanofuid fow with gold-tantalum nanoparticles in a tilted cylindrical artery with composite stenosis under the infuence of Joule heating, body acceleration, and thermal radiation is the focus of this research Using the Sisko fuid model, the non-Newtonian behaviour of blood is investigated The fnite diference (FD) approach is used to solve the equations of motion and entropy for a system subject to certain constraints The optimal heat transfer rate with respect to radiation, Hartmann number, and nanoparticle volume fraction is calculated using a response surface technique and sensitivity analysis The impacts of signifcant parameters such as Hartmann number, angle parameter, nanoparticle volume fraction, body acceleration amplitude, radiation, and Reynolds number on the velocity, temperature, entropy generation, fow rate, shear stress of wall, and heat transfer rate are exhibited via the graphs and tables Present results disclose that the fow rate profle increase by improving the Womersley number and the opposite nature is noticed in nanoparticle volume fraction The total entropy generation reduces by improving radiation The Hartmann number expose a positive sensitivity for all level of nanoparticle volume fraction The sensitivity analysis revealed that the radiation and nanoparticle volume fraction showed a negative sensitivity for all magnetic feld levels It is seen that the presence of hybrid nanoparticles in the bloodstream leads to a more substantial reduction in the axial velocity of blood compared to Sisko blood An increase in the volume fraction results in a noticeable decrease in the volumetric fow rate in the axial direction, while higher values of infnite shear rate viscosity lead to a signifcant reduction in the magnitude of the blood fow pattern The blood temperature exhibits a linear increase with respect to the volume fraction of hybrid nanoparticles Specifcally, utilizing a hybrid nanofuid with a volume fraction of 3% leads to a 201316% higher temperature compared to the base fuid (blood) Similarly, a 5% volume fraction corresponds to a temperature increase of 345093%
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : melnair@UT.EDU.SA

الخصوصية وملفات تعريف الارتباط
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة للتأكد من سهولة الاستخدام وضمان تحسين تجربتك أثناء التصفح. من خلال الاستمرار في تصفح هذا الموقع، فإنك تقر بقبول استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. الشروط والأحكام.