Dr Awatif Omran is specializes in medical biochemistry ( Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry, Faculty of Medical Laboratory science ) work in the biochemistry fields, in addition to her background in biochemical and haematological analysis
She also has deep knowledge in toxicity of medicinal plants and related toxic science, dealing with haematotoxicity histopathological effect on experimental animals and pathology
She has high level of experience in bioinformatics In addition, Dr Awatif published a researches that included working on blood samples from people during long fasting to figure out the changes in biochemical and heamatological parameters, and she has experience in handling with blood samples and aware about all ethical approval and scientific regulations regarding to human research In addition, publish reviews regarding corona virus, paper on other coronary heart disease
Also she have the ability to problem solve, tested with continuous problem solving exercises given as assessments, which may require mathematical analysis and evaluation With excellent Knowledge and experience of computers scientific analysis she trained in several fields: Biotechnology information (Bioinformatics) and Basic training in genetics ,
Biotechnology and partial modified DNA