الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية الهندسة \ الهندسة الصناعية

محمد حسين أبوعلي محمود

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية المصرية
التخصص العام هندسة مدنية
التخصص الدقيق هندسة تعدين
المسمى الوظيفي استاذ
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Dr Mohamed Abu-Ali was born at Assiut- Egypt He obtained his Bachelors BSc in mining engineering at 1981 from mining and metallurgical department faculty of Engineering, Assiut, Egypt Also he got his M Sc From the same department at 1987 The title of his thesis was: Beneficiation of Abu-Tartur phosphate ore with special reference to the minimization of water consumption" In 1994, Dr Abu-Ali received his Ph D from Assiut university and Colorado School of Mines CSM at USA under the title of : "Investigation and Modeling of Sedimentation of Mixed Particles" Dr Abu-Ali is interested in mineral processing area His mean interest is in the unit operation of mineral processing, Crushing and grinding, magnetic separation, ore concentration, settling of suspensions, sedimentation and thickener design, Dr Abu-Ali was main supervisor for two thesis of Ph D,s and one master degree - In 1999 he got the title of Associate professor and a full professor in 2005 until now Dr Abu-Ali published around 30 papers some of them at international journal like: International journal of mineral processing, Powder Technology, Mineral Engineering, International Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection and Applied Mathematical Modeling He attend many conferences at Egypt interested in his field at Cairo University Suez Canal University and Assiut University Now, he is joined to Tabuk University since 2012 Finally, he was a member of a promotion committee of Associate professor and professor in mining, petroleum and metallurgical engineering at Egypt

المؤهلات العلمية

B Sc in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering from Assiut University, June 1981 M Sc in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering from Assiut University, Aug 1987 PhD in Mineral Processing from Assiut University, June 1994 ( Channel System with Colorado School of Mines, USA) Associate professor from December 26, 1999 till April 26, 2005 Professor at Assiut university, Egypt from April 27, 2005 till 2013 Professor at Tabuk university from 2013 till now

الاهتمامات البحثية

Unit operations in Mineral Processing Modeling of sedimentation processes Design of thickeners Beneficiation of ores Energy consumed in crushing and grinding of ores

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

Demonostrator from Aug 1983 to 1987 and lecturer until 1994 at mining department, Assiut university PhD in Mineral Processing from Assiut University, June 1994 ( Channel System with Colorado School of Mines, USA) Associate professor at Assiut University from December 26, 1999 till April 26, 2005 Professor at Assiut university from April 27, 2005 till 2013 Professor at Tabuk university from 2013 till now

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد Selected Topics in Civil Engineering 2 13:00 15:00
الإثنين Selected Topics in Civil Engineering 1 08:00 11:00
الثلاثاء Selected Topics in Civil Engineering 2 13:00 15:00
الأربعاء Selected Topics in Civil Engineering 1 08:00 11:00
الخميس Selected Topics in Civil Engineering 2 13:00 15:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • 1 Ibrahim, GAE, Shawki, AM, El-Sayed, MA, and Mohamed H Abu- Ali, Beneficiation of Abu-Tartur Phosphate Ore Bulletin of Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 18, pp 11-117, 1990
  • 2 Ibrahim, GAE, Shawki, AM, El-Sayed, MA, and Mohamed Abu-Ali,Up Grading of Abu-Tartur Phosphate ore Arab Gulf J Scient Res, Vol 10 No 3, pp 57-79, 1992
  • 3 Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali “Evaluation of Models Predicting Velocities in Concentrated Binary Suspensions at Viscous Flow Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 24, No 2, pp151-158, 1996
  • 4 Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali Sedimentation of Homogeneous Suspensions at Intermediate Particle Reynolds Numbers Inter J of Mineral Processing, Vol 50, pp161-175, 1997
  • 5 Doheim, MA, Abu-Ali, MH, and Mabrouk, SA, Investigation and Modeling of Sedimentation of Mixed Particles Powder Technology Vol 91, pp 43-47, 1997
  • 6 Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali “A Contribution to The Determination of Particle Diameter from Hindered Settling Measurements Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Minia University, Vol 17, No 1, pp122-130, June 1998
  • Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali “ Thickener Area Based on Batch Settling Tests Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 27, No1, pp193-200, 1999
  • 8 Abu Ali, MH, and M M Tarshan “A Contribution to the Kinetics of Sedimentation Process 6th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Vol 1-B, pp165-179, February 20-24, 1999
  • 9 Abu-Ali, MH, and MM Tarshan “Prediction of Thickener Under- flow Concentration, Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 27, No2, pp267-273, 1999
  • 10 Tarshan, MM, and MH Abu-Ali, “ The Misrouted Particles in Mineral Processing: A Mathematical Treatment, Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 27, No2, pp275-283, 1999
  • 11 Ahmed Rizk and Mohamed Abu-Ali, Dependence of Sedimentation Rate on the Grinding Regime of some ores, Bulletin of the Faculty of Eng, Assiut University, Vol 28, No 3, pp187-197, September 2000
  • 12 Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali, Prediction of The Terminal Falling Velocity of Spherical Particles at High Reynolds Number, 7th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Assiut, Egypt, Vol 2, pp245-254, 10-12 Feb 2001
  • 13 Mohamed H Abu-Ali and Sabry A Abdel Sabour “ Optimizing the design of flotation circuits: An economic approach Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 30, No 4, pp1027-1038, October 2002
  • 14 M H Abu-Ali and SA Abdel Sabour “ Optimizing the design of flotation circuits: An economic approach Minerals Engineering, Vol 16, pp55-58, 2003
  • 15 Mohamed H Abu-Ali “Sedimentation behavior of binary suspensions on counter-current operations 8th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt, Vol 2, pp281-292, 17-19 March 2003
  • 16 Mohamed H Abu-Ali and Gamal S Abdel-Hafeez “ Impact crushing of multi-particle layers Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 31, No 4, pp973-984, October 2003
  • Mohamed H Abu-Ali, “ Crushing of mono-size particle beds, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 32, No 1, pp531-540, January, 2004
  • 18 Mohamed H Abu-Ali and Sabry A Abdel Sabour, The role of metal prices uncertainty on optimizing mineral processing plants, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 32, No 3, Part A, pp1291-1303, July, 2004
  • Mohamed H Abu-Ali and Sabry A Abdel Sabour, Impact of metal prices on plant optimization, The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol 5, No 1, 2005
  • 20 Mohamed H Abu-Ali, Enhancement the efficiency of mineral processing operations by magnetic field, An Overview The 9th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, February 21-24, 2005
  • S Abdel-Haffez, MH AbuAli and A M E Rizk, “Energy consumption in the process of comminution: A review, The 9th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, February 21-24, 2005
  • 22 G S Abdel-Haffez, MH AbuAli and A M E Rizk, Assessment of efficiency of energy consumption in binary mixture grinding Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 33, No 6, pp2281-2296, Nov 2005
  • 23 Doheim, MA, Abdel Gawad,AF, Mahran, GM, Abu-Ali, MH, and Rizk, AM Computational prediction of water flow characteristics in spiral separators: Part 1, Flow depth and turbulence intensity Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 36, NO 4, pp935-950, July 2008
  • Doheim, MA, Abdel Gawad,AF, Mahran, GM, Abu-Ali, MH, and Rizk, AM Computational prediction of water flow characteristics in spiral separators: Part 2, The primary and secondary flow Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 36, NO 4, pp951-962, July 2008
  • Rizk, Sh A, Mageed, AA, Abu-Ali, MH" Dewatering the sludge generation from water treatment plants with two hydrocyclones in series" Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 38, NO 3, pp 797-806, May 2010
  • Mageed, AA, Rizk, Sh A, Abu-Ali, MH" Utilization of water treatment plants sludge ash in brick making" Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol 39, NO 1, pp 195-206, January 2011
  • Gamal S Abdel-Haffez, Mohamed Hussein Abu-Ali (2012)" Evaluation and Optimization of Operating Parameters Affecting the Davis Tube Magnetic tester using 2nd factorial design" Material Testing: Vol 54, No, 6, pp437-443
  • Gamal, MA Mahran , Mohamed A Doheim, Mohamed, A Abu-Ali, Ahmed, F Abdel Gawad, (2015) CFD simulation of particulate flow in spiral separators", Material Testing: Vol 57, No 9, pp811-816
  • G S Abdel-Haffez, M H Abu-Ali and A M E Rizk, Efficiency of energy consumption in binary mixture grinding , submitted for publication in the Material Testing Journal (2017)
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المشاريع البحثية
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : mabuali@UT.EDU.SA