الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية التربية والآداب \ اللغات والترجمة

حسن عبدالله محمد الزعبي

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية الأردنية
التخصص العام اللغة الانجليزية وآدابها
التخصص الدقيق الرواية
المسمى الوظيفي استاذ
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Hasan A AlZubi A Tenured Professor of English alzubih@yahoocom halzubih@utedusa Hasan A Al-Zubi is a tenured professor of English, American, and Comparative Literature He received his MA (1994), and PhD (1998) from the English Department at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA with distinction He published around twenty-four articles on English, American and comparative Literature The last one was on Symbolic Art and Literature in 2021 He participated in several international conferences, panels, and workshops and lectured in different international institutions He served throughout his academic career as external reviewer, Chair and Dean (2005-2006) and (2010-2011)), Consultant, advisor, supervisor, Referee and editor in scientific refereed journals (2002-current) Currently, he is a visiting Professor at UT/SA His current research interests are Literary theory and cultural studies

المؤهلات العلمية

EDUCATION PhD, English Literature: Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA 1998 1994 MA, English Literature: Indiana University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA MA, Linguistics, University of Jordan 1991 BA, English Language and Literature, Mutah University, Jordan 1990

الاهتمامات البحثية

, American Realism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Surrealism, Cubism, Henry James, Frank Norris, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, Modernism, Postmodernism, Literary Theory, Symbolic Art, Comparative Literature, and Cultural Studies

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

Professional, Administrative, Training, and Editorial Experience: (1998-2021) • Head of Programs and Study Plans Unit, Faculty of Arts and Education, Tabuk University 2019-2020 Supervisor, Strategic Plan Unit, Faculty of Arts and Education, Tabuk University 2020-2022 Member in the Committee for designing, preparing, and revising the MA course Plan in English Literature, Department of English, Mutah University 2015- 2016 • Scientific Research Committee, Department of English, KSU (2011-2014) • Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Mutah University, Jordan 2009-2010 • Head of the Quality Assurance Committee, Department of English /Faculty of Arts, Mutah University, Jordan 2010-2011 • Head of the Graduate Studies Committee, Department of English/Faculty of Arts, Mutah University 2010-2011 • A Referee and an Editor, in Scientific Refereed Journals 2002-current

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد Dramal (3) 10:00 12:00
الأحد Drama (3) 12:00 14:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • Published more than 24 papers in international Refereed journals
  • Recent Publications
  • The Genteel Realistic James as a Pessimistic Naturalist in the Princess Casamassima International Journal of Literature Studies ISSN: 2754-2620 DOI: 1032996 Feb, 2023
  • "Realistic Portrayal of Capitalism, Human Relations, and Cultural Change in Jamess Washington Square" The IJHSS Volume 5, issue 12, 2017 pp 4-10USA ISSN 2321-9203
  • Selected Past Publications
  • " Authorship and the Critical Writing of Oral Narratives," Thaqafat, A Refereed Journal for Cultural Studies, Bahrain University, ISSN (08483-2010)Volume 23, 2016 pp 120-133
  • "Hostile and Indifferent Universe in Stephen Cranes Novel The Red Badge of Courage," Journal of the Faculty of Arts (Literature and Linguistics) Cairo University Volume 69, No 3 , July, 2014 pp 47-63
  • "The Panorama of Race and Realistic Representation in Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Ain-Shams Journal for Arts An International Refereed Research Journal, Faculty of Letters, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Volume (37), April-June 2013 pp 405-429[Novel- Nineteenth Century American Literature]
  • "Coming to an End: The Narrative of Holocaust Autobiographies and Memoirs," Interactions Journal of British and American Literature and Culture An International Journal of British and American Literature and Culture Department of English Language and Literature, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey ISSN (1300-574-X) Volume (181), Spring 2010 pp 31-42 [Autobiographical Writing]
  • "Autopathography and Audre Lordes The Cancer Journals as a Narrative of Illness Revising the Script of Disease/ revising the script of disease/otobiyografi ve oykusel bir hastalyk metni olarak audre lordeyn The Cancer Journals adly eseri" Interactions Journal of British and American Literature and Culture Volume 151, (March 2006) [Feminism]
  • "Audience and Human Nature in the Poetry of Milton and Dryden," Milton Quarterly, vol 44, issue 1 England Pp 67-71 (March, 2010) and Interactions Journal of British and American Literature and Culture Volume 151, (March 2006) [Poetry and Drama]
  • "Autopathography and Audre Lordes The Cancer Journals as a Narrative of Illness Revising the Script of Disease/ revising the script of disease/otobiyografi ve oykusel bir hastalyk metni olarak audre lordeyn The Cancer Journals adly eseri" Interactions Journal of British and American Literature and Culture Volume 151, (March 2006) [Feminism
  • "Conceptions of Alexander: The Heroic and Satirical in Le Bruns Alexander Series and Drydens Alexander Feast" Damascus University Journal An International Refereed Research Journal Faculty of Arts, Damascus University, Syrian Arab Republic Volume (21), No (1+2), 2005 pp 49- 71 [Poetry]
  • "Literary Images in the Writings of the French Novelist J K Huysmans and the Spanish Novelist Leopoldo Alas," Literary Research Journal An International Refereed Research Journal, publisher (HPP), New York, USA ISSN (1-56023- 293-5), Volume (4), No (3/4), 2004 pp 7-29 [Comparative Literature/French-Spanish]
  • “Triangulated Narrative Patterns in Richard Wright’s Native Son and The Outsider: Naturalism, Existentialism, and Ideology Dirasat Journal An International Refereed Research Journal Faculty of Arts, the University of Jordan, Jordan ISSN (1026-3721), Volume (30), No (3) 2007 pp 597-609 [Comparative Literature-African American Literature/Novel]
  • “The Soul Descent and Myth in Blake’s ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience Mu’tah Journal for Study and Research(Humanities and Social Science Series) An International Refereed Research Journal Mu’tah University, Jordan ISSN (1021-6804), Volume (18), No (2), 2003 pp 23-55[Poetry/William Blake]
  • “The Art of Realism: The Source of Defoe’s Composition of Moll Flanders Mu’tah Journal for Study and Research (Humanities and Social Sciences Series) An International Refereed Research Journal Mu’tah University-Jordan ISSN (1021-6804), Volume (16), No (5), 2001 pp61-81 [British Novel/eighteenth Century]
  • "The Interplay of Realism and Naturalism in Edith Whartons The House of Mirth," Al-Zaytoonah Journal of Scientific Studies & Research (Humanities Series) An International Refereed Research Journal Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Jordan ISSN (1681-5580), Volume (1), No (1), 2001 pp 1-12 [American Novel/nineteenth century]
  • The Genteel Realism James as a Pessimistic Naturalism in the Princess Casamassima" International Journal of Literature Studies" ISSN 2754-2620 DOI: 1032996/ijts
جوائز التميز
  • 1991: Prize for attaining the highest distinctive GPA in the English Department during the BA program
  • Distinctive research Prize, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA 1994
المشاريع البحثية
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معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : halzubih@ut.edu.sa