الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الكيمياء

محمد صبحي مطاوع مطاوع

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية المصرية
التخصص العام كيمياء
التخصص الدقيق كيمياء فيزيائية
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Dr Mohamed sobhi Motawea associated professor of physical chemistry

المؤهلات العلمية

phD of physical chemistry- MsC of physical chemistry - BsC of chemistry

الاهتمامات البحثية

all branches of physical chemistry- electrochemistry-protection of metals-nanotechnology and electrochemical coatings

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

منسق برنامج الكيمياء بالقسم رئيس لجنة الخطط والبرامج رئيس لجنة التخطيط الاستراتيجي بقسم الكيمياء رئيس لجنة التحول من نظام الفصلين الي الثلاث فصول رئيس لجنة المعيار الثاني للتعليم والتعلم في الاعتماد البرامجي عضو لجنة الجودة بالقسم عضو لجنة البحث العلمي

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد كيمياء الكم 08:00 09:30
الإثنين كيمياء كهربية 2 09:30 12:00
الثلاثاء كيمياء الكم 08:00 09:30
الأربعاء كيمياء كهربية 2 09:30 12:00
الخميس كيمياء الكم 08:00 10:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • 1 MAbdallah, HEMeghed, M Sobhi, Inhibiting effect of Ni +2 cation + 3-methyl pyrazolone as a corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in sulfuric acid solution,Material Chemistry and Physics,118 (1) (2009) 111–117
  • 2 MAbdallah, HEMeghed, M Sobhi, Ni+2 cation and imidazole as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in sulfuric acid solutions, Monatshefte für chemie-chemical monthly141(12) (2010) 1287–1295
  • 3 M Abdallah, I Zaafarany, K S Khairou, M Sobhi, Inhibition of carbon steel by iron (III) and imidazole in sulfuric acid, International journal of electrochemical science, 7 (2012) 1564-1579
  • 4 M Sobhi, M Abdallah, K S Khairou, Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) as a corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solutios, Monatshefte Fur Chemie-Chemical Monthly, 143(10) (2012) 1379–1387
  • 6 M Abdallah, A M El Defrawy, I A Zaafarany, M Sobhi, A H M Elwahy, M R Shaaban,Inhibition effects and theoretical studies of synthesized novel bisaminothiazole derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in sulfuric acid solutions, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9(2014) 2186–2207
  • 7 M Sobhi, Gatifloxacin as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solutions, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,50(6) (2014) 825–832
  • 8 M Sobhi, R El-Sayed, M Abdallah, Synthesis, Surface Properties and Inhibiting Action of Novel Nonionic Surfactants on Carbon Steel Corrosion in 1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution, Chemical Engineering Communications, 203 (6) (2016)
  • 9 M Abdallah, B A Al Jahdaly, M Sobhi, A I Ali, Evaluation of some nonionic surfactants derived from hydroquinol compounds as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10(2015) 4482-4494
  • 10 M Sobhi,Marjoram extract as corrosion inhibitor for dissolution of zinc in 10M HCl, International journal of corrosion,(2013)
  • 11 MohamedSobhi Motawea, Mahmoud Ali Abdelaziz, Some pyrazole derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solutions, European Journal of Chemistry, 6(3) (2015) 342-349
  • 12 M Abdallah, B H Asghar, I Zaafarany,M Sobhi,Synthesis of somearomatic nitro compounds and its applications as inhibitors for corrosion of carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solution,Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,49(4) (2013) 485–491
  • 13 M Sobhi, Naturally occurring Elettaria Cardamomum extract as a corrosion inhibitor for the dissolution of zinc in 10 M HCl, ISRN Corrosion, (2012)
  • 14 M Sobhi, M Abdallah, E Hfaez, Some poly sorbate compounds as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid, Journal of Advances in Chemistry, 5(3) (2013) 830-838
  • 15 M Sobhi, H H El-Noamany, A Y El-Etre, Inhibition of carbon steel in acid medium by Eruca Sativa extract, Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences, 1(2014) 164–173
  • 16 Gamal O El-Sayed, Mohamed S Awad, Zahraa A Ayad, Electrochemical decolorization of Maxilon Red GRL textile dye, International Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 4(4) (2014) 402-416
  • 17 AS Fouda*1, M S Motawee2, H S Megahid2, H A Abdul Mageed1, Evaluation of an Expired Non-Toxic Amlodipine Besylate Drug as Corrosion Inhibitor for Low Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions, IntJChemPharmSci,2015,3(7):1808-1817
  • 18 M Abdallah, · M Sobhi, · HM Al-Tass, Corrosion inhibition of aluminum in hydrochloric acid by pyrazinamide derivatives September 2016 · Journal of Molecular Liquids 09/2016 DOI:101016/jmolliq 201609006
  • 19 M Sobhi, Inhibiting Effects of Some Bis-azoles Compounds on Corrosion of Copper in HCl Solution, international Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1-15 (2016)
  • HE Megahed, M Sobhi, S Nour‏,Celery (Apium graveolens) extract as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in 1 M HCl, J Basic Environ Sci 2, 170-177‏‏ (2017)
  • 21 M Sobhi, S Eid, Chemical, Electrochemical and Morphology Studies on Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose as Green Inhibitor for Corrosion of Copper in Hydrochloric acid Solutions, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 54 ( 5) 893-898 (2018)
  • M bdallah, HM Altass, R El-Sayed, AS Al Gorair, BAAL Jahdaly, M Sobhi‏,Synthesis and Estimation of Some Surface-Active Compounds Derived from Fused Pyridine as Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions‏, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 57 (4), (2021) 811-819
  • M Abdallah, M Alfakeer, AS Al-Gorair, A Al Bahir, M Sobhi, Enhancing the Inhibition Effect and Adsorption Efficiency of Ethoxylated Dodecyl Alcohols on Corrosion of 316 Stainless Steels in 2M HCl‏, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 16 (6) (2021)
  • Suhair Bani Atta, Hatem A Al-Aoh, Meshari Aljohani, M Sobhi, Desalination and Water Treatment Methylene Blue sorption by the chemically modified Ocimum basilicum leaves powder, Desalination and Water Treatment (2021)
  • M Abdallah, K A Soliman, AS Al-Gorair, Salih S Aljuid, M Sobhi, Enhancing the inhibition and adsorption performance of SABIC iron corrosion in sulfuric acid by expired vitamins Experimental and computational approach, May 2021, RSC Advances
  • M Abdallah, el juesmi Nizar, AS Al-Gorair, , M Sobhi , Enhancing the anticorrosion performance of mild steel in sulfuric acid using synthetic non-ionic surfactants: practical and theoretical studies, May 2021, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
  • M Abdallah, Hatem Eltas, Refat el sayed, , M Sobhi, Synthesis and Estimation of Some Surface-Active Compounds Derived from Fused Pyridine as Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions, July 2021, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
  • M Abdallah* , M Alfakeer , Mubark Alshareef , H Hawsawi , Salih S Al-Juaid , RS Abdel Hameed, M Sobhi, Natural Sweet Almond Oil as an Effective Green Inhibitor for Aluminum Corrosion in Sulfuric Acid Medium, Int J Electrochem Sci, 17 (2022)
  • Mohamed Rashad, Salwa Helali, Shams Issa, Saleh Al-Ghamdi , Marwah Alsharif , Ahmed Obaid Alzahrani, Mohamed Sobhi, Antoaneta Ene and Alaa M Abd-Elnaiem , Materials 2022, 15, 5048
  • Nasser A Alamrani, Hatem A Al-Aoh, Meshari MH Aljohani, Suhair A Bani-Atta, M Sobhi, Mustafa Syed Khalid, AAA Darwish, Ali A Keshk, Mona AA Abdelfattah, Wastewater Purification from Permanganate Ions by Sorption on the Ocimum basilicum Leaves Powder Modified by Zinc Chloride, j of chemistry (2021)‏
  • 24 MAA Abdelfattah, M Sobhi, sewer Water Effect on the Corrosion of Cast Iron before and after Treatment, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 1-7 (2019)‏
  • 23 M Abdallah, EAM Gad, M Sobhi, Jabir H Al-Fahemi, MM Alfakeer, Performance of tramadol drug as a safe inhibitor for aluminum corrosion in 10 M HCl solution and understanding mechanism of inhibition using DFT, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 28(2) 173-181 (2019)
  • 22 M Abdallah, Elshafie AM Gad, Jabir H Al-Fahemi, M Sobhi, Experimental and Theoretical Investigation by DFT on the Some Azole Antifungal Drugs as Green Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum in 10 M HCl, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 54 ( 3) 503-512 (2018)
  • 5 M Sobhi, R El-Sayed, M Abdallah, The effect of non ionic surfactants containing triazole and oxadiazole as inhibitors of the corrosion of carbon steel in 1M hydrochloric acid, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,16(6) (2013) 937–946
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البريد الإلكتروني : m.awad@ut.edu.sa