الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية التربية والآداب \ علم النفس

طه عقله زيدان الخرشه

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية الأردنية
التخصص العام علم النفس
التخصص الدقيق القياس والتقويم
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

المؤهلات العلمية

دكتوره قياس وتقويم ماجستير قياس وتقويم بكالوريوس رياضيات

الاهتمامات البحثية

القياس والتقويم

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

• مشرف وحدة القياس والتقويم • مشرف وحدة التطوير والجودة

الجدول الدراسي
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • Constructing a Scale of Students’ Attitudes Towards Distance Learning at Jordanian Private Universities, International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences volume 7 issue 1 pp 1-13 doi: https://dxdoiorg/1020469/ijhss720001-1, Published: 29 March 2021
  • The Effect of the Percentage of Missing Data on Estimating the Standard Error of the Items Parameters and the Test Information Function According to the Three-Parameter Logistic Model in the Item Response Theory,lkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021 20 (1): pp 887-898 http://ilkogretim-onlineorg doi: 1017051/ilkonline20210182
  • اتجاهات الشباب الجامعي نحو رؤية 2030 وعلاقتها بدافعيتهم للإنجاز،المجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية، https://doiorg/DOI:1031559/EPS2019635
  • The Effect of Sample Size and Different Ability Distribution on Item Parameters Utilizing Three Logistic Model,Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences 19 (04), 397-424‏‏
  • The Effect of Processing Guessing Method on the Estimating Item/Person Statistics for Multiple-Choice Test According to Item Response Theory (IRT),An-Najah University Journal for Research-B …, 2016
  • أثر بعض طرق تصحيح اختبارات الاختيار من متعدد في دقة تقدير صعوبة الفقرات وقدرات الأفراد وفق نموذج راش في نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة،مجلة العلوم التربوية - جامعة القاهرة
جوائز التميز
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
Constructing a Scale of Students’ Attitudes Towards Distance Learning at Jordanian Private Universities, International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences volume 7 issue 1 pp 1-13 doi: https://dxdoiorg/1020469/ijhss720001-1, Published: 29 March 2021 The purpose of this study was to construct and apply a measuring scale to investigate students’ attitudes towards distance learning at Amman Arab University a private university in Jordan, through the evaluation of students attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of distance learning The study sample consisted of 731 students A scale was developed, consisting of 45 items The validity and reliability of the scale were assured using the Factor Analysis procedure the results showed a one factor present in the performance on this scale, also the scree plot assured this result In addition, the result showed a moderately positive attitude towards distance learning teacher and student interaction was encouraging, also the results showed no statistically significant difference between the arithmetic means attributed to student gender Thus, students’ attitudes and opinions favored distant learning
The Effect of the Percentage of Missing Data on Estimating the Standard Error of the Items Parameters and the Test Information Function According to the Three-Parameter Logistic Model in the Item Response Theory This study aimed to investigate the effect of the percentage of missing data on estimating the standard error of the items parameters and the test information function based on the three-parameter model using generated data To achieve the objectives of the study, (1000) examinees responses were generated on a test consisting of (50) dichotomous items according to the three-parameter logistic model( 3PL) using (WINGEN3) software By using (SPSS) and (EXCEL), data containing missing responses were obtained at the percentages of (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) Four files were prepared that include the missing four percentages The items parameters for these files were identified, , the items and individuals were fitted for ( 3PL-IRT), number of persons were removed The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences between the means of the standard errors for estimating the difficulty and the discrimination parameter of the test based on the three-parameter model according to the difference in the missing data percentages of (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) and in favor of the lesser missing percentages, which means that the fewer missing percentages are, it is expected that the standard error value will decrease in estimating the difficulty and the discrimination parameter of the item, and that the best missing data percentage was (5%) The results also indicated that the information function increases as the missing data percentage decreases
Constructing a Criterion-Referenced Test in the Basic Concepts of Measurement and Evaluation for Teachers and Determining Its Cut-off Score The current study aimed at constructing a criterion-referenced test in the basic concepts of measurement and evaluation for teachers and determining its cut-off score The test, in its initial form, consisted of (45) items and the number of test items in its final form became (38) items after applying the test to an exploratory sample consisting of (34) respondents The test was then applied to the second sample consisting of (150) male and female teachers to verify the psychometric properties of the test, the items, and the cut-off score for the test by using the Nedelsky method The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was (084) and the split-half stability coefficient was (080) The test was validated in two ways: the discriminative validity and the internal construct validity of the test The cut-off score for the test was determined by using the Nedelsky method which reached (164) which is equivalent to (43%) The values of the items discrimination for the test ranged between (022 - 055), and the values of the items difficulty ranged between (026 - 083) The results of the study found that there are statistically significant differences in the degree to which teachers have the basic concepts of measurement and evaluation attributed to the gender variable and in favor of females, and there are statistically significant differences attributed to the scientific qualification variable in favor of those with higher scientific degrees than the bachelor’s degree The results also found that there are no statistically significant differences attributed to the
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : talkursheh@ut.edu.sa