الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الكيمياء الحيوية

محمد علي حسن الدعيس

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية اليمنية
التخصص العام الكيمياء
التخصص الدقيق كيمياء حيوية
المسمى الوظيفي استاذ
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Professor of Clinical Biochemistry since , 2022, Department of Biochemistry , Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk

المؤهلات العلمية

BSc- MSc -1997 - Vitebsk State Medical University - Belarus PhD in Biochemistry-2003 - Vitebsk State Medical University

الاهتمامات البحثية

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

منسق لجنة الشؤون الاكاديمية في القسم وعضو اللجنة في الكلية رئيس لجنة الأعذار بالقسم

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الإثنين الأغشية الحيوية 10:00 12:00
الثلاثاء الكيمياء الحيوية الطبية 10:00 12:00
الأربعاء الأغشية الحيوية 10:00 12:00
الخميس أيض المواد المسممة 08:00 12:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • 1 Galal-Khallaf, A, Al-Awthan, Y S, Al-Duais, M A, & Mohammed-Geba, K Nile crab Potamonautes niloticus shell extract: Chromatographic and molecular elucidation of potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities Bioorganic chemistry, 127, 2022, 106023 https://doiorg/101016/jbioorg2022106023
  • 2 Farah Shireen, Bashir Ahmad, Saad Ahmad Khan, Abdur Rauf, Anees Ahmed Khalil, Fawad Aziz, Abdel Rahman Al-Tawaha, Mohammed A Al-Duais, Yahya S Al-Awthan, Gokhan Zengin Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Phytotoxic Assessment of Agave americana, Mentha spicata and Mangifera indica L Extract AGJSR 39 (4) 2021: 283-302 DOI: https://doiorg/1051758/AGJSR-04-2021-0031
  • 3 Muhammad Ibrahim, Abdur Rauf, Naveed Muhammad, Anees Ahmed Khalil, Muhammad Akram, Qasim Aziz, Zia Ullah, Yahya S Al-Awthan, Omar Bahattab, Mohammed A Al-Duais Chemical composition and in vitro and in vivo biological assortment of fixed oil extracted from Ficus benghalensis L Open Chemistry 2022 20: 583–592 https://doiorg/101515/chem-2022-0166
  • 4 Abdur Rauf ,Yahya S Al-Awthan, Imtaiz Ali Khan, Naveed Muhammad, Syed Uzair Ali Shah, Omar Bahattab , Mohammed A Al-Duais, Rohit Sharma , and Md Mominur Rahman In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, Muscle Relaxant, and Sedative Activities of Extracts from Syzygium cumini (L) Skeels in Mice Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2022, Article ID 6307529, 7 pages https://doiorg/101155/2022/6307529
  • 5 Mohammed Ali Al-Duais, Zuhair M Mohammedsaleh, Hamza S Al-Shehri, Yahya S Al-Awthan Suhair A Bani-Atta, Ali A Keshk, Syed Khalid Mustafa, Adel D Althaqafy, Jozaa N Al-Tweher, Hatem A Al-Aoh, Chellasamy Panneerselvam Bovine serum albumin functionalized blue emitting Ti3C2 MXene Quantum Dots as a sensitive fluorescence probe for Fe 3+ ions detection and its toxicity analysis Luminescence : the journal of biological and chemical luminescence, 101002/bio4204 Advance online publication https://doiorg/101002/bio4204
  • 6 Zafar A Shah, Adil A H Mujawah , Irfan Ullah, Abdur Rauf , Umer Rashid , Anees Ahmed Khalil , Syed Muhammad Mukarram Shah, Aini Pervaiz, Farzana Shaheen, Yahya S Al-Awthan , Muhammad Nasimullah Qureshi, Mohammed A Al-Duais , Omar Bahattab , Zainab M Almarhoon , Yahia N Mabkhot , and Mohammad S Mubarak Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of a New Ferruginan A from Olea ferruginea: In Vitro and In Silico Studies Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol 2022, Article ID 8519250, 7 pages, 2022 https://doiorg/101155/2022/8519250
  • 7 Al-Duais, M A, & Al-Awthan, Y S (2021) Khat Chewing and Lipid Profile in Human and Experimental Animals BioMed research international, 2021, 6001885 https://doiorg/101155/2021/6001885
  • 8 Ramadan, S, Hegab, A M, Al-Awthan, Y S, Al-Duais, M A, Tayel, A A, & Al-Saman, M A (2021) Comparison of the Efficiency of Lepidium sativum, Ficus carica, and Punica granatum Methanolic Extracts in Relieving Hyperglycemia and Hyperlipidemia of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Journal of diabetes research, 2021, 6018835 https://doiorg/101155/2021/6018835
  • 9 Din, A U, Khan, M, Shah, M Z, Rauf, A, Rashid, U, Khalil, A A, Zaman, K, Al-Awthan, Y S, Al-Duais, M A, Bahattab, O, Mujawah, A, & Muhammad, N (2021) Antidiabetic Activity of Ficusonolide, a Triterpene Lactone from Ficus foveolata (Wall ex Miq): In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Silico Approaches ACS omega, 6(41), 27351–27357 https://doiorg/101021/acsomega1c04230
  • 10 Zou, X, Bk, A, Rauf, A, Saeed, M, Al-Awthan, Y S, A Al-Duais, M, Bahattab, O, Hamayoon Khan, M, & Suleria, H (2021) Screening of Polyphenols in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and Determination of Their Antioxidant Activity in Different Tobacco Varieties ACS omega, 6(39), 25361–25371 https://doiorg/101021/acsomega1c03275
  • 11 Yang Yang, Min Zhang, Adel I Alalawy, Fahad M Almutairi, Mohammed A Al-Duais, Junling Wang, El-Sayed Salama Identification and characterization of marine seaweeds for biocompounds production Environmental Technology & Innovation (2021), https://doiorg/101016/jeti2021101848
  • 12 Rai, GK Parveen, A Jamwal, G Basu, U Kumar, RR Rai, PK Sharma, JP Alalawy, AI Al-Duais, MA Hossain, MA et al Leaf Proteome Response to Drought Stress and Antioxidant Potential in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) Atmosphere 2021, 12, 1021 https://doiorg/103390/atmos12081021
  • Adel I Alalawy , Haddad A El Rabey ,Fahad M Almutairi , Ahmed A Tayel , Mohammed A AlDuais , Nahla S Zidan, Mohamed I Sakran Effectual Anticancer Potentiality of Loaded Bee Venom onto Fungal Chitosan Nanoparticles International Journal of Polymer Science 2020, Article ID 2785304 https://doiorg/101155/2020/2785304
  • Almutairi, F M, El Rabey, H A, Tayel, A A, Alalawy, A I, Al-Duais, M A, Sakran, M I, & Zidan, N S (2020) Augmented anticancer activity of curcumin loaded fungal chitosan nanoparticles International journal of biological macromolecules, 155, 861–867 https://doiorg/101016/jijbiomac20191120
  • Al-Duais, M A, & Al-Awthan, Y S (2019) Association between qat chewing and dyslipidaemia among young males Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 14(6), 538–546 https://doiorg/101016/jjtumed201909008
  • Salem A Habib, Adel I Al-Alawy, Hamed M El-Shora, Mohamed I Sakran, Mohammed A H AlDuais, Camelia A Abdel-Malak, and Rasha M S Shoaib Improvement of Characteristics of Maltase from Marrow (Cucurbita pepo L) Cotyledons by its Immobilization on Chitin Journal of Biochemical Technology 2019, 10(3): 83-91 https://jbiochemtechcom/en/article/improvement-ofcharacteristics-of-maltase-from-marrow-cucurbita-pepo-l-cotyledons-by-its-immobilization-onchitin
  • Hatem A Al-Aoh, Ibrahim A M Mihaina, Meshari A Alsharif, A A A Darwish, M Rashad, Syed Khalid Mustafa, Meshari M H Aljohani, Mohammed A Al-Duais & H S Al-Shehri Removal of methylene blue from synthetic wastewater by the selected metallic oxides nanoparticles adsorbent: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies, Chemical Engineering Communications 2019, DOI: 101080/0098644520191680366
  • El Rabey, H A, Almutairi, F M, Alalawy, A I, Al-Duais, M A, Sakran, M I, Zidan, N S, & Tayel, A A (2019) Augmented control of drug-resistant Candida spp via fluconazole loading into fungal chitosan nanoparticles International journal of biological macromolecules, 141, 511–516 https://doiorg/101016/jijbiomac20190903
  • El Rabey, H A, Almutairi, F M, Alalawy, A I, Al-Duais, M A, Sakran, M I, Zidan, N S, & Tayel, A A (2019) Augmented control of drug-resistant Candida spp via fluconazole loading into fungal chitosan nanoparticles International journal of biological macromolecules, 141, 511–516 https://doiorg/101016/jijbiomac20190903
  • Haddad El Rabey , Fahad Almutairi, Abdulbasit Al-Sieni , Madeha Al-Seeni N, Mohammed AlDuais A, Mohamed Sakran, Abuelgassim Abuelgassim Salvadora persica leaf aqueous extract attenuates hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in alloxan induced diabetic male rats Biomedical Research Journal 2018 29 (11): 2197-2207 https://wwwalliedacademiesorg/articles/salvadorapersica-leaf-aqueous-extract-attenuates-hyperglycemia-and-hyperlipidemia-in-alloxan-induceddiabetic-male-rats-10308html
  • Sakran MI, Rabey HE, Almulaiky YQ, Al-Duais MA, Elbakry M, Faridi U The Antioxidant Enzymatic Activity of Date Palm Seedlings Under Abiotic Drought Stress Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 201852(3):442-8 https://wwwsemanticscholarorg/paper/The-Antioxidant-Enzymatic-Activity-of-Date-Palm-SakranRabey/56a77e9ee487d3eb76d08d6064fb600f8376161f
  • El Rabey HE, Almutairi FM, Al- Sieni AI, Al- Sieni MN, Al-Duais MA, Sakran MI, Elbakry MA Antioxidant , anti diabetic , and antilipdemic activity of salvadora persica twig in alloxan diabetic male rats Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2017 54 : 314-322 http://noprniscairresin/handle/123456789/43361
  • Yahya Saleh Al-Awthan YS, Al-Duais MA, Hazeb AA and Alril WA Protective Role of Achillea biebersteinii Pretreatment on Dimethoate Induced Oxidative Stress in Guinea Pigs Liver Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 2017 20(8): 403-409 https://scialertnet/fulltextmobile/?doi=pjbs2017403409
  • Almutairi FM, Al-Duais MA, Shalaby KA, Sakran MI Analysis of patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis in Tabuk City, Saudi Arabia: A single-center, three-year retrospective study Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2017 28:349-54 http://wwwsjkdtorg/articleasp?issn=1319- 2442year=2017volume=28issue=2spage=349epage=354aulast=Almutairi
جوائز التميز
  • لا يوجد
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
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مشروع مقدم ضمت مسار المشاريع البحثية الفردية تم الحصول على الدعم للمشروع البحثي رقم S-0157- لعام 1436
مشروع مقدم ضمت مسار المشاريع البحثية الفردية تم الحصول على الدعم للمشروع البحثي رقم S-0133- لعام 1440
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : malduais@ut.edu.sa

الخصوصية وملفات تعريف الارتباط
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة للتأكد من سهولة الاستخدام وضمان تحسين تجربتك أثناء التصفح. من خلال الاستمرار في تصفح هذا الموقع، فإنك تقر بقبول استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. الشروط والأحكام.