الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الفيزياء

جلال حسن باكير حسن

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية السورية
التخصص العام الفيزياء
التخصص الدقيق فيزياء النواة الذرية والجسيمات الأولية
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

انا الدكتور جلال حسن باكير حسن سوري الجنسية حاصل على شهادة الدكتوراة في الفيزياء تخصص فيزياء النواة الذرية والجسيمات الأولية من جامعة سانبطرسبورغ الحكومية التقنية ( روسيا الاتحادية ) اهتماماتي البحثية في مجال تفاعلات النوى الثقيلة ومن اجل الطاقات العالية مع الأنوية الحفيفة والثقيلة ارحب بكم في صفحتي الشخصية

المؤهلات العلمية

دكتوراه في الفيزياء - تخصص فيزياء النواة الذرية والجسيمات الأولية ماجستير في الفيزياء تخصص فيزياء النواة الذرية والجسيمات الأولية بكالوريوس في العلوم الفيزيائية

الاهتمامات البحثية

Interactions of 12C , 16O , 20Ne , 22Ne , 40Ar , 56Fe , 197Au , 238U nuclei with Photoemulsion Nuclei at Energies in the Range 01-36 GeV/nucleon

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية


الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد معمل اساسيات الفيزياء 08:00 10:00
الأحد اهتزازات وامواج 12:00 14:00
الإثنين اساسيات الفيزياء 00:00 14:00
الإثنين نماذج نووية 08:00 09:30
الإثنين نماذج نووية 14:00 15:30
الإثنين معمل الفيزياء العامة 16:00 18:00
الأربعاء نماذج نووية 08:00 09:30
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • Development of a cyber design modeling declarative Language for cyber physical production systems J Math Comput Sci 2020/12/18
  • Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms of Neutron Induced Fission of 237Np Nucleus 10th International Conference on Research in science Technology Oxford (18-20)DECEMBER2020
  • Interactive Geoinformation Three-Dimensional Model of a Landscape Park Using Geoinformatics Tools IInternational Joutnal on Advanced Science Engineering 2020 (October)
  • Some evidence of multiplicity fluctuation in relativistic nuclear collision and neural net working (N-N)model Academic Journal of Scientific research 2020( DECEMBER)
  • Fluctuations in produced charged particle multiplicities in relativistic nuclear collisions for simulated events Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019/10/1
  • Modeling the Structure of Intellectual Means of Decision-Making Using a System-Oriented NFO Approach International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2019 (November)
  • Computational Complexity of the Accessory Function Setting Mechanism in Fuzzy Intellectual Systems International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 2019(October)
  • Some Aspects of the solid state nuclear track detectors DILOGO Journal 2019
  • Nuclear Effect in terms of Hurst Exponent in 28Si-Emulsion Collisions at 146 A GeV Proc DAE Symp on Nuclear Phys63 (2018)
  • Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Some Features of Statistical Quantum Chromo dynamics in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
  • Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2017,5,1130-1149 Study of Wavelet Methodology and Chaotic Behavior of produced particles in Different Phase Spaces of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
  • Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol4,No12 Softness Parameter and the Energy Ratios for Deformed Nuclei 25/06/2017
  • Multiplicity fluctuation in central nuclear reaction of Pb +AgBr Events at 158A GeV , Dialogo Journal 4:1(2017) pp 215-220
  • HMI Development Automation with GUI Elements for Object-Oriented Programming Languages Implementation International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: wwwijetaecom (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume, Issue No, Current Month 2020)
  • Some Interesting Features of Semantic Model in Robotic Science International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 69 Issue 7, 38-44, July, 2021 ISSN: 2231 – 5381 /doi:1014445/22315381/IJETT-V69I7P205 ©2021 Seventh Sense Research Group®
  • 27- Electronic medicine in an application of biometric technology Academia Journal of Scientific Research 8(1): 001-005, January 2020 DOI: 1015413/ajsr20190175
  • 28- Interactive Geoinformation Three-Dimensional Model of a Landscape Park Using Geoinformatics ToolsVol10 (2020) No 5 ISSN: 2088-5334 IJASE
  • 29- Development of a cyber design modeling declarative Language for cyber physical production systems J Math Compute Sci 2020/12/18
  • 30- Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms of Neutron Induced Fission of 237Np Nucleus 10th International Conference on Research in science Technology Oxford (18-20) DECEMBER2020
  • Some evidence of multiplicity fluctuation in relativistic nuclear collision and neural net working (N- N) model Academic Journal of Scientific research 2020(DECEMBER)
  • 32- some correlations of secondary charged pions produced in ultra-relativistic nuclear collision Academic Journal of Scientific research 2020
  • Some Interesting Features of Semantic Model in Robotic Science International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 69 Issue 7, 38-44, July, 2021 ISSN: 2231 – 5381 /doi:1014445/22315381/IJETT-V69I7P205 https://ijettjournalorg/archive/ijett-v69i7p205
  • HMI Development Automation with GUI Elements for Object-Oriented Programming Languages Implementation International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: wwwijetaecom (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume, Issue No, Current Month 2020)
  • Self-Management Modelling of COVID-19 Data and Public Health Safety 36-Mathematical Modeling of Neutron Induced Fission of 237Np Nucleus C Opera, MA Ahmad, JH Baker, AI Opera - Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2022 ISSN2071-0194-2022 VOL 67, No1
  • Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms of Neutron Induced Fission of 237Np Nucleus Cristiana Oprea1,2*, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad3 , Alexandru Ioan Oprea1 , Jalal H Baker3 , Naima Amrani4European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology eISSN 2538-9181
  • Scaling Nature of Multiplicity Distributions in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Anatoly Jagnandan1 , C Oprea2 , Jalal H Baker3 , Mir Hashim Rasool4 , Naima Amrani5 , M Ayaz Ahmad1 ,* Proceedings of the DAE Symp on Nucl Phys 66 (2022)
  • Cancerous diagnostics through Biosensors" Article Submitted by ID: JEMS-D-22-02510 and under Review Jalal H Baker Anatoly Jagnandan Samira Jbahi M Ayaz Ahmad Mohd Imran Ahamed Mohd Farhan Khan Journal of Electronic Materialshttps://wwwspringernaturecom/production-privacy-policy Article Submitted by ID: JEMS-D-22-02510 and under Review
  • A Field Study for Milk Safety and Quality Determination of Heavy Metal Concentration in raw Milk Already made proof reading By: March/13/2023 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Bardhyl Limani1, Vesna Karapetkovska Hristova2, Anatoly Jagnandan3, M Ayaz Ahmad3, Syed Khalid Mustafa4, Jalal H Baker5, Samira Jebahi6, Mohammad Rehan Ajmal7, A M Quraishi8
  • 41-Environmental Remediation via Solution Combustion Route Synthesis of Single-Phase Ferromagnetic Nickel Doped Zinc Oxide (Ni-ZnO) Nanostructure for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity M M Abdullah, Jalal H Baker, Hasan B Albargi, Antalov Jagnandan, Mohammad Zaki Ahmad, Samira Jebahi, and Jari S Algethami
  • - Mathematical Modeling of Neutron Induced Fission of 237Np Nucleus C Opera, MA Ahmad, JH Baker, AI Opera - Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2022 ISSN2071-0194-2022 VOL 67, No1
  • - Environmental Remediation via Solution Combustion Route Synthesis of Single-Phase Ferromagnetic Nickel Doped Zinc Oxide (Ni-ZnO) Nanostructure for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity M M Abdullah, Jalal H Baker, Hasan B Albargi, Antalov Jagnandan, Mohammad Zaki Ahmad, Samira Jebahi, and Jari S Algethami Sci Adv Mater 15, 169–175 (2023) [Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article]
  • Features of Charged Particle Production in Nuclear Collisions at High Energies International Journal of Sustainable Energy & Environment in Volume42-Issue-1- 2023 Anatoly Jagnandan1, Shawn Jagnandan1, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad1*, Jalal H Baker2, Mir Hashim Rasool3, Cristiana Oprea4,5, Naima Amrani6,7, Umida Baltaeva
  • An Approach of Logistic Model for Covid-19 pandemic Prediction in Guyana Mathematical Social Sciences Journal in Guyana “has been accepted and Considered for publication in Mathematical Social Sciences Journal in Volume 124-July- 2023 Volume 124-July- 2023 Anatoly Jagnandan1, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad2*, Deborah Tombran3, Basheer Khan4, Shawn Jagnandan5, Syed Khalid Mustafa6, Jalal H Baker7
  • Multiplicity Dependence of the Freeze-Out Parameters in Symmetric and Asymmetric Nuclear Collisions at Large Hadron Collider Energies Symmetry 2023, 15, 2063 https://doiorg/103390/sym15112063 https://wwwmdpicom/journal/symmetry
  • Understanding into atomic structures and electronic properties from the analysis of intramolecular junctions in carbon nanotubes M Ayaz Ahmad a , AM Quraishi b , Shawn Jagnandan a , Antalov Jagnandan a , Jalal H Baker c , Mohd Imran Ahamed d , MM Abdullah e,f , Hasan B Albargi e,f , Rashid Nizam g , Sadanand Pandey h,i, Materials Today Communications journal homepage: wwwelseviercom/locate/mtcommhttps://doiorg/101016/jmtcomm2024108096
  • Title:- Multiplicity dependence of the freezeout parameters in high energy hadron-hadron collisions Article ID:- (CPC-2023-0514) has been accepted to Chinese Physics C at date 7th Feb 2024 Author:- Muhammad Ajaz, Jalal Hasan Baker, Antalov Jagnandan, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad, Shawn Jagnandan, Haifa I Alrebdi Journal:- Chinese Physics C, Volume 48, (2024), pp…… Journal Type-Q1, Impact Factor 23, and SJR = 123, SCOPUS and WOS both (IOP Publication)
جوائز التميز
  • لايوجد
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 2012 approved project #FT100011(Indoor Radon survey in the dwelling of Tabuk region in the North of Saudi Arabia Radon-222 is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can be found in air at varying concentrations The radon concentration is dependent upon many parameters including geological formations, permeability of the ground, atmospheric conditions, and degree of ventilation and building materials used in construction Radon-222 has known negative health impacts and there are standards worldwide specifying maximum allowable indoor radon concentrations in residential houses (1, 2) The radiation physics group in the physics department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral has carried out recently a number of indoor radon in different Saudi (3-7)
University of Tabuk approved project S -1436-0174 Back bending Phenomena for Some Even Nuclei in Medium Light Region The back bending phenomena of rotational band are studied by draw the moment of inertia of some light nuclei versus the square of angular frequency The study is carried out by using broken polynomial we will calculate the energies of yarest band from low up to high energy levels Including the back bending/up bending region The predicted results are compared with experimental and other theoretical data
University of Tabuk approved project# 0091 (2014) (Description of Ground State Bands in Actinide Nuclei) Taking the effect of variation of moment of inertia ,besides to the effect of rotation – vibration interaction and the concept of nuclear softness ,one obtained a formula denoted RVS "Rotation ,Vibration ,Softness" The RVS model is used in calculating the energies of rotational ground bands of 150Sm, 152Sm, 154Gd and 192Os nuclei The predicted results of the RVS are in close agreements with experimental data and other theoretical ones
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : jhasan@ut.edu.sa