الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية العلوم \ الأحياء

مديحه عثمان إبراهيم غباشي

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية المصرية
التخصص العام العلوم
التخصص الدقيق العلوم
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

التخصص العام : الميكروبيولوجي التخصص الدقيق : البكتريولوجي

المؤهلات العلمية

• (PhD) Philosopher Doctor of Science Microbiology, August 27th 2009, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt The thesis title: (Virulence factors of some Gram negative bacteria and its relation with the quorum sensing system) • (MSc) Master of Science Microbiology, May 20th 2002, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt The thesis title: ( Production of protease enzyme from locally isolated bacteria) • (BSc) Bachelor of Science Specialization in Microbiology, June 1991, Faculty of Science, Ain Sham University, Cairo, Egypt : Excellent with honour degree

الاهتمامات البحثية

Our research focuses at the role of virulence factors during the development of bacterial pathogenicity Detection of different pathogenicity inducing factors, including cytotoxicity, invasion, adhesion, biofilm formation, and multi-resistance capability of the pathogenic bacteria Detection of quorum sensing activity of different pathogenic bacteria and try to develop a new anti-quorum compounds for example from natural sources as extract of medicinal plants, or from marine environments and from novel compounds for suppression of this controlling mechanism The goal of our research is to provide new insights into the mechanism and to develop mechanism-based strategies to prevent and treat different bacterial diseases - Applied Microbiology - Medical Microbiology - Environmental Bacteriology - Medical Bacteriology- Molecular Biology

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

• Demonstrator in Microbiology Department Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since November 14th1991 till April 11th 2002 • Research Fellow in Ain Shams University, Bacteriology research unit Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since 1993 till 2009 • Assistant lecturer of Microbiology Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since May 20th 2002 till August 26th 2009 • Research Assistant in Bacteriology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since 1993 till 2012 • Lecturer of Bacteriology Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since August 26th 2009 till now Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Tabuk University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department , Tabuk , Saudi Arabia since 27th 2013 til now Associate Professor of Microbiology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since August 26th 2021 till now

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الأحد بيولوجيا جزيئية - عملي 14:00 16:00
الإثنين أحياء بحرية - عملي 10:00 12:00
الإثنين مكافحة عامة - عملي 14:00 16:00
الإثنين البحث و المقال 16:00 20:00
الثلاثاء بيولوجيا جزيئية - عملي 14:00 16:00
الأربعاء أحياء بحرية - عملي 10:00 12:00
الأربعاء مكافحة عامة - عملي 14:00 16:00
الأربعاء البحث و المقال 16:00 20:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • Publications: Book Review Madeha OIGhobashy, Khaled Z El-Baghdady, Mohamed M Aboouwafa, Mohamed MIHelal and Shalini Saggu New Era in recovery of Bacterial Pathogenicity Microbiology Book Series #4"Microbial pathogens and strategies for combating them: science, technology and education Formatex Research Center Pages: 557-561
  • 1 Mohamed MIHelal, Mohamed T Shaban, Amal M Hashem,Seham Abd El-Azem1, Madeha OI Ghobashy, Shaza S Elgazar (2014) Some Biological Activities of Soybean Galactomannan Oligosaccharides and Their Sulfated Derivatives" IntJAdv ResBiolSci Vol 1(6):113-121 2 Madeha, OIGhobasy, Hala M Abu Shady, Samar S Rashad, Aisha MAShahlol(2012) Klebsiella pneumoniae invasion, adherence and cytotoxicity are independent events mechanisms Egyptian journal of Experimental Biology (bot), 8(2): 251 – 259 3 Naglaa Fawzy, Madeha O I Ghobashy and Ahmed Kamel El-Ziaty(2012) Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of some new quinazolin-(3H)-one dervatives European Journal of Chemistry Vol 3 (4): 437-441 4 AMFahmy, AFHamed & MadehaOIGhobashy(2012) Effect of different finishing techniques on the surface roughness and bacterial adhesion of cast Nickelchromium alloy Journal of American Science 8(6) 123-127 5 Mohamed, MI Helal, Hassan Amer, Nayera, AM Abdelwahed and Madeha, OI Ghobashy(2012) Physiological and Microbiological Studies On Production Of Alkaline Protease From Locally Isolated Bacillus Subtilis Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(3): 193-203 6 Nayera,AMAbdelwahed, Mohamed, M I Helal, Madeha, OIGhobashy and Enas, N (2010) Danial Influence of nutrition and addition of some alcohols on antimicrobial secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces platensis Az J Pharm Sci Vol 42, 257-267 7 Khaled Z El-baghdady, Mohammad M Aboouwafa, Madeha OI Ghobashy and Hassan M Gebreel(2009) Plasmid mediated virulance factors of some proteus -1isolates Egypt AcadJBiologSci 1 (1): 7-22 8 Khaled Z El-baghdady, Mohammad M Aboouwafa, Madeha OI Ghobashy and Hassan M Gebreel (2010)Virulence Factors in Pathogenic Klebsiella Islates and Their Association to Plasmids Egypt J Bot Vol 27, 135-152 9 Mohamed, MIHelal , Nayera, AM Abdelwahed , Aza M Abdel- Fattah and Madeha, O I Ghobashy (2013) “Studies on the Production of Antimicrobial Substance Produced from Bifidobacterium bifidum" Journal of Applied Sciences Research, (2013) Vol 9(3): 1554-1563 11 Mohamed , MI Helal , Mona Y Osman , Madeha OI Ghobashy and Wafaa A Helmy (2014 ) ʺStudy on Some Biological Activities of aqueous extract of Ginger (Zingiber officinale)" Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal 13 (2): 144-150 12 Elbadawey HA, Abdel Aziz AA, Madeha OIGhobashy (2016) Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of ruthenium (III) complexes of 2-(2-(4-X-phenylhydrazono 2)-1H-benzo[1,2,3]triazol-1-yl)-1-phenylethanone paripex - Indian journal of research, Vol5 (6) :35-39 13 Mohamed MIHelal, Amal M Hashem, Madeha OIGhobashy and Al Shimaa G Shalaby (2016 ) Some Physiological and Biological Studies on Reuterin production from Lactobacillus reuteri International Journal of PharmTech Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF, ISSN: 0974-4304, ISSN(Online): 2455-9563 Vol9, No12, pp 806-815, 2016 14 Mohamed MI Helal *, Mona Y Osman, Madeha OI Ghobashy and Wafaa A Helmy Some Microbiological Studies on Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Cinnamon (Cinnamomumzeylanicum) PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH (2015) 4(8): 388-391 15 Madeha OIGhobashy, Khaled Z El-Baghdady, Mohamed M Aboouwafa, Mohamed MIHelal and Shalini Saggu New Era in recovery of Bacterial Pathogenicity Microbiology Book Series #4"Microbial pathogens and strategies for combating them: science, technology and education Formatex Research Center Pages: 557-561 16 Madeha OIGhobashy, Mohamed MI Helal (2018) Monitoring and studying the microbial biodiversity and its exopolysaccharides production of some natural environments of tabuk region (Tabuk), KSA Asian Jr of Microbiol Biotech Env Sc Vol 20, No (4) : 2018 : 1106-1114 17 Abdelazeem M Algammal, Mohamed E Enany , Reham M El-Tarabili , Madeha O I Ghobashy and Yosra A Helmy (2020) Prevalence, Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles, Virulence and Enterotoxins-Determinant Genes of MRSA Isolated from Subclinical Bovine Mastitis in Egypt Pathogens ,Vol 9, 362 18 Abdelazeem M Algammal, Ali W El-Kholy, Emad M Riad, Hossam E Mohamed, Mahmoud M Elhaig, Sulaiman A Al Yousef, Wael N Hozzein and Madeha O I Ghobashy Genes Encoding the Virulence and the Antimicrobial Resistance in Enterotoxigenic and Shiga-Toxigenic E coli Isolated from Diarrheic Calves Toxins (2020) Vol 12: 383 19 Abdelazeem M Algammal , Mahmoud E El‑Sayed, Fatma M Youssef, Shefaa A Saad , Mahmoud M Elhaig , Gaber E Batiha, Wael N Hozzein and Madeha O I Ghobashy Prevalence, the antibiogram and the frequency of virulence genes of the most predominant bacterial pathogens incriminated in calf pneumonia AMB Expr (2020) 10: 99 20 Mohammed S Al-Saggaf, Ahmed A Tayel, Madeha OI Ghobashy, Maeidh A Alotaibi , Mousa A Alghuthaymi , Shaaban H Moussa ( 2020) Phytosynthesis of Selenium nanoparticles using costus extract for bactericidal application against foodborne pathogens Green Processing and Synthesis 21Ghobashy, MOI Bahattab, O Alatawi, A Aljohani, MM Helal, MMI(2022) A Novel Approach for the Biological Desalination of Major Anions in Seawater Using Three Microalgal Species: A Kinetic Study Sustainability 2022, 14, 7018 https://doiorg/103390/su14127018
جوائز التميز
  •  Egyptian Society of Applied Microbiology 1995  Association of Saudi Arabia Biological Science 2015  Association of Egyptian Society Of Fitness Disability &  Environmental Health, Fitness & Rehabilitation Unit, Kasr Al- Ainy 2014
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
- 1442 -0011Exploring & Identifying of the Marine Halotolerant Microorganisms in the Red Sea and Evaluating Their Role in Water Desalination Through Sustainable Manner During this study, halophilic bacterial strains were isolated and used in the seawater desalination process, and a complete study was done on the strongest strains capable of achieving the highest salt removal level of 353% inside the biological purification cell and remained active even after 14 days of the brine treatment process As a result, this (microbial desalination cell) biological technology can be described as a promising and sustainable way to treat seawater desalination, through which it is possible to reduce and minimize the cost used in desalination using the old traditional methods
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : mghobashy@ut.edu.sa

الخصوصية وملفات تعريف الارتباط
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة للتأكد من سهولة الاستخدام وضمان تحسين تجربتك أثناء التصفح. من خلال الاستمرار في تصفح هذا الموقع، فإنك تقر بقبول استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. الشروط والأحكام.