الصفحة الرئيسية


نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
التخصص العام
التخصص الدقيق
المسمى الوظيفي
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة)

نبذه مختصرة

المؤهلات العلمية


الاهتمامات البحثية

Geotourism, Tourism Marketing, HRM in Tourism, e-tourism

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

الجدول الدراسي
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • Suhud, U, Allan, M, & Wiratama, B (2022) Social Distance and Attitudes of Hosts towards Foreign Tourists International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems 16 (1) 90-79 Suhud, U, Allan, M, Rahayu, S, & Prihandono, D (2022) When Brand Image, Perceived Price, and Perceived Quality Interplay in Predicting Purchase Intention: Developing a Rhombus Model Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 11(1), 232 Suhud, U, Allan, M, & Rahayu, S M (2022) Investigating attitude towards taking a selfie while wearing a local traditional dress Tourism Culture & Communication Allan, M & Allahham, S (2021) Exploring the Sustainable Behavior and Practices for Public Tourism Organizations: A Case of Jordan Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 1–19 Suhud, U, Allan, M, Rizki, R, & Kurniawan, R (2021) A Structural Model of Volcano Tourists’Revisit Intention: A Study at Tang Kuban Perahu Nature Reserve and Nature Tourism Park Review of International Geographical Education 11(5) Suhud, U & Allan, M (2021) The impact of animosity, brand image, consumer boycott, and product judgment on made-in-China covid-19 vaccination intention, Health Marketing Quarterly Suhud, U, & Allan, M, (2020) Search, Action, and Share: The Online Behaviour Relating to Mobile Instant Messaging App in the Tourism Context Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 11(44) 903 – 912 Suhud, U, Allan, M, Wiratama, B & Maulida, E (2020) Slow Fashion in Indonesia: Drivers and Outcomes of Slow Fashion Orientations Research in World Economy 11(6) Suhud, U, Allan, M, Wibowo, S F, Sabrina, E, & Willson, G (2020) Measuring customer satisfaction of a café and coffee shop colony at a traditional market Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 23(1), 78–94 Suhud, U, Allan, M, & Willson, G (2020) The Relationship between Push-Pull Motivation, Destination Image, and Stage of Visit Intention: The Case of Belitung Island International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems 14 (1), 9-20 Allan, M, & Alkushman, S (2019) Exploring the impacts of the Arab Spring on tourism in Jordan: Perspectives of the public and private sector e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 16(4), 332–351 Allan, M, & Shavanddasht, M (2019) Rural geotourists segmentation by motivation in weekends and weekdays Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19(1), 74–84 Suhud, U & Allan, M, (2019) Exploring the impact of travel motivation and constraint on stage of readiness in the context of volcano tourism Geoheritage, 11, 927-934 Allan, M (2018) Assessing the Perceptions of Local Residents on the Positive and Negative Impacts of FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in Jordan Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(26): 255-266 Shavanddasht, M & Allan, M (2018) First-time versus repeat tourists: level of satisfaction, emotional involvement, and loyalty at hot spring Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research1(14) 1303-2917 Allan, M (2017) Toward Enhancing the Quality Assurance in the Tourism Education: A Case Study from Jordan The Arab Journal for Quality in Education 4(1) Almobaideen, W, Krayshan, R Allan, M, & Saadeh, M (2017) Internet of things: Geographical routing based on healthcare centers vicinity for mobile smart tourism destination Technological Forecasting and Social Change 123, 342–350 Alzboun, N, Khawaldah, H, Allan, M, & Backman, K (2017) Exploring the Financial Leakages in the Classified Hotels in Jordan: A Managerial Perspective, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 18(4), 429- 442 Allan, M & Alzboun, N, (2017) Investigating perceived leisure constraints for senior tourists in Jordan Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 11(2) 67-75 Allan, M (2016) Exploring the relationship between local food consumption and intentional loyalty Revista De Turism - Studii Si Cercetari In Turism, (21), 33-38 Allan, M (2016) Place Attachment and Tourist Experience in the Context of Desert Tourism –the Case of Wadi Rum Czech Journal of Tourism 5(1):35- 52 Allan, M & Al-Tal, Y (2016) Museums and tourism: Visitors motivations and emotional involvement Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16(3) Allan, M (2016) Exploring the potential for geotourism development in the United Arab Emirates Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Almobaideen, W, Allan, M, and Saadeh, M (2016) Smart archaeological tourism: Contention, convenience, and accessibility in the context of cloudcentric IoT Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 16(1) Allan, M (2015) Accessible tourism in Jordan: travel constrains and motivations European Journal of Tourism Research 10, 109-119 Allan, M & Dowling, R, & Sanders D (2015) The motivations for visiting geosites: the case of Crystal Cave, Western Australia GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 16(2) 141-152 Allan, M (2014) Why do Jordanian tourists travel abroad? Push and pull theory perspective Dirasat Journal: Human and Social Sciences 41(1), 662-670 Allan, M (2014) Geotourism: Why do children visit geological tourism sites? Dirasat Journal: Human and Social Sciences 41(1), 653- 661 Allan, M (2013) Motivation of Jordanian female outbound tourists Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7(11), 71-76 Allan, M (2013) Towards the development of Geo-tourism in Jordan: Reality and Prospects Mutah Journal for Research & Studies (MJRS) Allan, M (2013) Disability Tourism: Why do disabled people engaging in tourism activities? European Journal of Social Sciences 39(3), 480-486
جوائز التميز
  • The University of Jordan achievement in research activities award in 2019 - The University of Jordan achievement in research activities award in 2021
المشاريع البحثية
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