الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية إدارة الأعمال \ التمويل و الاستثمار

ساره صالح بن سليمان

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية التونسية
التخصص العام اقتصاد
التخصص الدقيق اقتصاد الأعمال
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

I’m an assistant professor of economics at the faculty of economics and management, university of Tabuk I holds a PhD in economics from the university of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, I spent a year as Visiting Professor at the Economics Department of university of Mediterranean, university of Aix Marseille II I’m also a research fellow at ERF since 2021 My research focuses on issues involving fiscal policy, macroeconomic management of natural resource, applied economics and macroeconomic modelling I Have several papers published in peer reviewed journal and he has also participated to different research projects for national, regional and international institutions (EMNES, FEMISE, ERF…)

المؤهلات العلمية


الاهتمامات البحثية

Macroeconomics Remittances and Migration Growth and Business Cycle Development Economics Macroeconomic Models (DSGE Model) Econometrics Fiscal Policy

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

(2013-2021 ): Assistant Professor Faculty of Business Administration University of Tabuk KSA (2011-2013 ): Assistant Professor College of administration Sciences University of Najran KSA (2001-2011): Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics and Management University of Sousse Tunisia (2014- 2020): مشرفة للشؤون الاكاديمية كلية ادارة الأعمال شطر الطالبات (2021-2022 ): مشرفة لمقررات مواد الاعداد العام كلية ادارة الأعمال شطر الطالبات

الجدول الدراسي
اليوم المادة الوقت
من إلى
الإثنين مبادئ الاقتصاد الكلي 09:30 11:00
الإثنين مبادئ الاقتصاد الكلي 11:00 12:30
الثلاثاء ادارة التعويضات و الأجور 16:30 18:30
الثلاثاء ادارة قياس و تقييم الأداء 18:30 21:30
الأربعاء مبادئ الاقتصاد الكلي 09:30 11:00
الأربعاء مبادئ الاقتصاد الكلي 11:00 12:30
الخميس تمويل دولي 15:00 18:00
الخميس تدريب التعاوني 17:00 20:00
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  • 2009 « A Macroeconomic Measurement of the Degree of Financial Integration in MENA Region» (with Moez Ben Tahar), Economie Appliquée, ISMEA, Paris, N° 2, 2009, p139-158
  • 2010 « Why is Fiscal Policy Procyclical in MENA Region? » (with Moez Ben Tahar), International Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Center of Science and Education, volume 2, N° 5, November 2010, p 44-53
  • 2011 « Cyclical Properties of Workers’ Remittances in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries » (with Moez Ben Tahar and Zied Essid), la revue Economie Appliquée, ISMEA, Paris, N° 2, 2011, p 85-109
  • 2011 « The Effects of a Countercyclical Fiscal Policy in Tunisia: A Structural VAR Model Investigation», (with Moez Ben Tahar and Zied Essid), Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, Electronic Proceedings Journal of Middle East Economic, Loyola University Chicago, Volume 13, September 2011
  • 2012 « Vulnerability of Southern Mediterranean Countries to Exogenous Shocks: Structural VAR Approach » (with Moez Ben Tahar and Zied Essid), Asian Revue of Economic and Finance Asian Economic Social society, volume 1, N°4, 2012, January 2012, p254-275
  • 2013 « Is Discretionary Fiscal Policy Effective? Evidence for Tunisia and Egypt » (with Moez Ben Tahar), Review of Economics and Finance, volume 3, N°2, 2013, April 2013, p81-96
  • 2013 « Comparative Analysis of the Degree of International Capital Mobility between Tunisia and Morocco: Revised Feldstein Horioka Approach », (with Moez Ben Tahar and Zied Essid), Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, volume 5, N°1, p33-43
  • 2013 «On the Optimality of GCC Monetary Union: Asymmetric Shocks Assessments», (with Atef Saad Al Shehri), Review of Economics and Finance, volume 3, p 49-62
  • 2013 « Public Expenditures Shocks in a Real Business Cycle Model: Implication for the Economy of Tunisia », (with Mohamed Hédi Lahouel and Moez Ben Tahar), African Journal of Social Sciences, volume 3, N°3, 87-117
  • 2014 « An Appraisal of the Determinants of Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: The Case of the Middle East, North Africa and Selected Gulf Cooperation Council Nations», (with Omar Sayed), African Journal of Social Sciences, volume 4, N°4, p63-74
  • 2015 «The Relationship between Growth and Employment Intensity: Evidence for Developing Countries», Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol 5, N° 4, p 680-692
  • 2017 « Institutions and labour markets in the Southern Mediterranean countries – A survey of Egypt, Jordan, Morocco & Tunisia», EMNES Studies No 1, October 2017
  • 2018 « Employment Diagnostic Demand Side Analysis: Application for Tunisia with Moez Ben Tahar », EMNES Working Paper No 17, September 2018
  • 2020 « Responsabilité des travailleurs vis-à-vis de l’environnement et taxation optimale with Damien Bazin and Jérôme BALLET », Bordeaux Economics Working Papers Cahiers D’Economie de Bordeaux, Novembre 2020
  • 2021 « Nascent and Innovative Entrepreneurship, the Emergence of Startups in Tunisia: Evidence from a Qualitative Survey» EMNES Working Paper No 51, June 2021
  • 2021 « Commodity Price and Economic Growth in Commodity-Dependent Countries: New Evidence from Nonlinear Analysis», Resources Policy Volume 72, August 2021
  • Fiscal Multipliers and Oil Price Fluctuations in Oil-Exporting Countries: Evidence from Gulf Cooperation Council Countries "Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy" (with Ben TAHAR & HOUFI) 02 Nov 2021
جوائز التميز
  • 1439-1440 جائزة التميز عمادة شؤون أعضاء هيئة التدريس و الموظفين
  • 2021-2020 المركز الاول في النسخة الأولى من مبادرة برنامج الابحاث المشتركة البنك المركزي السعودي
المشاريع البحثية
اسم المشروع وصف المشروع
(2012-2013): FEMISE Project De deux décennies de «libéralisation dévoyée» vers «un développement démocratiquement organisé» Etude des cas de l’Egypte, du Maroc et de la Tunisie Research n°FEM35-12 هذا المشروع يحدد مقترحات السياسة الاقتصادية التي يمكن أن يساعد اعتمادها المحتمل في تعزيز التنمية الاقتصادية الأكثر ثراءً في الوظائف ، ولا سيما في وظائف الشباب والخريجين الشباب ، مما كان يحدث في الماضي
2021: NASCENT AND INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP, THE EMERGENCE OF STARTUPS IN TUNISIA: EVIDENCE FROM A QUALITATIVE SURVEY The purpose of this work is to understand the emergence and evolution process of nascent and innovative entrepreneurship, the constraints and challenges faced by Tunisian startups, the success factors and, finally, how to support the emergence, sustainability and growth of nascent entrepreneurs This is done via a questionnaire and interviews with 30 nascent startups housed in incubators or accelerators The survey results confirm the ability and the capacity of startups to scale up, to generate growth and to create good jobs, especially for young adults and graduates According to the survey results, Tunisian startups are facing a number of obstacles which hamper their development, especially access to financial resources in the early stages, but also skills shortage, cumbersome administration, lack of raw materials etc Empirical results also highlight the importance of training, incubation and all support actions for startups This support is especially useful at an early stage, where the survival rate of startups is generally low
Fiscal Policy Response to Public Debt: Evidence for the MENA Region :ERF Working Paper No 1542 Feb 2022 This paper deals with fiscal sustainability by estimating fiscal reaction functions (FRF) for a panel of 15 MENA countries over the period 1990-2019 In investigating the question, this paper used various methods including the System General Method of Moments (System GMM), and the common correlated effects mean group (CCEMG) estimator Our findings reveal that MENA countries are fiscally responsible, as evidenced by the positive and significant response in the primary balance to changes in the lagged debt-to-GDP ratio, and those countries adjust along the expenditure margin Moreover, we find robust evidence of a nonlinear fiscal policy response to debt accumulation We also show that the fiscal policy stance tends to be countercyclical, but government spending has a procyclical bias Further, fiscal authorities in oil-exporting countries respond more strongly to rising debt levels than in net oilimporting countries
State-Dependent Fiscal Multipliers for Saudi Arabia "SAMA Central Bank" JRP/2021/09 The purpose of this paper is to assess Saudi Arabia’s fiscal multipliers and provide new insights into how such multipliers change according to potentially important features of this country The paper estimated multipliers by linear and non-linear estimation procedures using Local Projection (LP) method The findings suggest that (i) linear multipliers are low and consistent with earlier studies (ii) capital multipliers are higher than current multipliers (iii) an increase of non-oil revenues puts pressures on private sector (iv) when the output gap is positive, the effect of public spending shock is higher (v) Fiscal stimulus has modest effects non-oil GDP, whereas fiscal adjustment can be damaging for the economic activity
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : s.benslimane@UT.EDU.SA