مخرجات التعلم للبرنامج

محرر المحتوى


Program learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding
K1Identify the necessary requirements, methodologies, and practices involved in the implementation of integrated solutions, research, and projects in the field of computer engineering.
K2Recognize cutting-edge processes, techniques, models, materials, and practices in computer engineering domains.
K3Explain in-depth theories, principles, concepts, approaches, tools, and research methods in the computer-engineering field.
S1Utilize engineering and related disciplines concepts and methods in various contexts within the field of computer engineering.
S2Apply the appropriate and contemporary theories, tools, methods, practices, policies, standards, and procedures in computer engineering domains.
S3Design and implement integral solutions, models, applications, and projects in the Computer engineering field, as well as appraise the resulting outcomes and contributions.
S4Develop systems, components, or processes by applying design principles, conducting experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and fulfilling specified requirements within given limitations.
S5Communicate effectively in a range of professional contexts within the field of computer engineering.
V1Adhere by  professional and ethical practices, responsibilities, and values within the domain of the computer engineering.
V2Engage proficiency in self-learning, proactive planning, and continuous professional development, while actively contributing to the advancement of the field of computer engineering and society.
V3Collaborate effectively and with responsibility within a team to establish and achieve goals, as well as successfully complete tasks and activities within the realm of computer engineering.